

Sesame Street Redux and Jim Henson's Fantastic World

Watch “Around the Mall” bloggers sit down and talk with a few old friends from Sesame Street

Argentine Dinosaur Had Birdy Lungs


Second City at the Smithsonian

Boxes: A Lesson in Maintenance


The Miracle of the Reef

Coral spawn only once a year, and at night; how they manage to synchronize remains a mystery


Georgia O'Keeffe Confirmed You as a Friend on Facebook



Readers respond to the August Issue

"No one else would be up here"—Montana's Little Belt Mountains in winter—except Gerald Mack, with his horse, Sky, and dog, Cisco Kid, a rancher told the photographer.

The Cowboy in Winter

Gerald Mack lived the life—and photographer Sam Abell went along for the ride

Paradisea raggiana is one of the many images at the Galaxy of Knowledge Web site.

Life Lines

"Spirits are taking up residence in the museum; nothing is as it seem, even in this photograph," says game director John Maccabee

Get Your Game On

At the Smithsonian American Art Museum, tech-savvy players gather clues in the alternate reality game "Ghosts of a Chance"

Parade with banner showing head and shoulder portraits of Grover Cleveland, Adlai E. Stevenson and Gov. John Peter Altgeld.

Musical Mudslinging on the Campaign Trail

Before TV came on the scene, presidential candidates relied on campaign songs for negative advertising

Bonnie Erickson with Statler in 1975.

The Woman Behind Miss Piggy

Muppet designer Bonnie Erickson on puppet storytelling and inspiration

An Underwood's long-tongued bat feeds on Mucuna flowers while in flight.

Making History: Bats to the Rescue

Scientists discover insect-eating bats may help sustain forests

Vintage pop-up book.

What's Up

Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers

Bernini's Genius

The Baroque master animated 17th-century Rome with his astonishing sculpture and architecture


Stephen Kinzer on "Inside Iran's Fury"


Jeff Wheelwright on "The Secret of San Luis Valley"

Author of "Bernini's Genius," Arthur Lubow.

Arthur Lubow on "Bernini's Genius"



Stonehenge's purpose and a noble fish's demise


October Anniversaries

Momentous or Merely Memorable

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