New Research


The Scientific Reason LeBron James Isn’t As Important As You Think

The most important players on the team may also be the least flashy


This Giant New Tarantula Has an Eight-Inch Leg Span

Say hello to Peocilotheria rajaei, Sri Lanka's most recently discovered giant spider.

How Your Brain Reassures You That You’re Better Than Other People

The "superiority illusion" may depend on how connected certain parts of your brain are and how many dopamine receptors you have


There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Living Fossil’

Though Darwin coined the term 'living fossil,' if he were around today he'd probably agree that it's time to retire it

Meditation May Make You Nicer

Around 50 percent of people who recently meditated gave up their seat for a person in crutches compared to just 15 percent of people who had not meditated

This Sea Lion Can Keep Time With the Backstreet Boys

Ronan the sea lion can keep a beat, something sea lions weren't supposed to be able to do


People Who Never Apologize Are Probably Happier Than You

That childhood distaste for saying you're sorry hasn't gone away as an adult - not apologizing still makes us feel much better than apologizing does


This Microbe Isn’t Either Male or Female, It Has Seven Options to Choose Between

This little protozoa has seven different "mating types"

In a type Ia supernova, and the new Iax mini-supernova, a white dwarf star (the one with the disk) eats a nearby star. When it grows big enough, it explodes.

Astronomers Discover Baby Supernovae

This new type of mini-supernova doesn't destroy the star


Dinosaurs Have Feathers, Sure, But We May Have Got the Colors All Wrong

Dinosaurs had colorful plumage, but the palette may have been all wrong

Methane on the Breath Is an Indication of Obesity

Manipulating the gut microbes that cause obesity's smell may help researchers figure out ways to help patients lose weight


Oklahoma’s Biggest-Ever Earthquake Was Likely Man-Made

By injecting fluid deep underground, people may have caused Oklahoma's big 2011 earthquake

A handsome great tit

Attractive Great Tits Raise Healthier Babies, Even If They’re Not Genetically Related

Males may be selecting for females with brighter cheeks and bolder stripes, which indicate the females' genetic strength and parenting skills


Night Owl And Early Bird Teens Think Differently

Night owls score higher than morning people on general intelligence, but morning people get better grades


With Music, What You See Affects What You Hear

A flourish of the arm can seem to extend a note, even if the sound itself is exactly the same


Why Is Flu Season in Winter?

It has to do with the dry winter air, says new research


The Secret to Olive Oil’s Anti-Alzheimer’s Powers

A natural substance found in olive oil called oleocanthal helps to block and destroy plaque build up in the brain that causes Alzheimer's


Women Who Score Well on Both Math And Verbal Tests Still Don’t Choose Science Careers

This may be because women have some many career options these days, researchers write, or maybe it's just sexism

Various iterations of the Müller-Lyer Illusion. For most people reading this, the bottom lines will seem longer than the top, despite being the same length.

Are Optical Illusions Cultural?

People from around the world respond to optical illusions different. But why?

For Truck Drivers, Coffee May Save Lives

Drivers who drank caffeine-laden beverages were 63 percent less likely to crash than those who did not - even if they were more sleep deprived

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