Computer Science

This Hacker Can Mimic a Car Key Fob

If you put a computer in it, hackers can get in


Here's One Alternative to Having Your Password Stolen by Russian Hackers

Log in just by clicking your favorite spots on a map

Scientists Can Now Eavesdrop By Watching a Soundless Video of a Glass of Water

Sound is pressure, pressure causes motion and motion shows up on film

Researchers Crack the Code of First Impressions

Mathematics identifies the subtle facial features that influence how we judge others

An amateur photograph of galaxy NGC 5907 by Flickr user korborh. On its own it doesn't look like much, but combined with hundreds more it can reveal new secrets about the universe.

Astronomers Are Doing Real Science With Space Photos They Found on Flickr

Want to help research? Grab a camera and point it to the heavens


The Net’s Dark Side: Watch People Try to Hack Each Other, Live

A honeypot network tracks global hacking attempts in real time

These Psychedelic Images Find Order Amid Chaos

Artist Jonathan McCabe builds computer programs that create their own art—intricately patterned images that look part organic, part kaleidoscopic

A slate sculpture of Alan Turing by artist Stephen Kettle sits at the Bletchley Park National Codes Centre in Great Britain.

The Turing Test Measures Something, But It's Not "Intelligence"

A computer program mimicked human conversation so well that it was mistaken for a real live human, but "machine intelligence" still has a long way to go

The project could provide high speed internet to the remote Cook Islands, for example.

Google Is Launching 180 Satellites to Bring the Internet to Remote Corners of the World

Google is acquiring satellite companies and hiring experts to find solutions for bringing internet to remote corners of the world

This year, Smithsonian magazine's festival is themed "Science Meets Science Fiction."

The Future is (Still) Here: Day Two of Smithsonian's Second Annual Conference

Instead of holding its own global fest this year, Nerd Nite descended on our nation's capital.

Atlas V Launches the New Horizons Mission to Pluto.

Take a Peek Into the Future's Present With Our Live Coverage of Smithsonian's Two-Day Festival

The magazine's 2nd annual conference brings together experts, authors and visionaries in the fields of science, science fiction and technology.

Watch the Universe Evolve Over 13 Billion Years

A new computer simulation, called Illustris, can take you on an epic journey through space and time

50 Years Ago Today, the First BASIC Program Ran in a Dartmouth Basement

The computer language that led the hobbyist computer boom turns 50 today

Computers Can Tell If You're Really in Pain—Even Better Than People Can

As computers become better at reading people's expressions, their potential as lie detectors and diagnostic aids increases

Computers Are Learning How To Teach Each Other New Skills

Why would you teach a computer how to teach other computers how to murder more efficiently?

The Intel Science Talent Search honored the top winner and nine esteemed runners-up of its 2014 competition at a black-tie affair in Washington, D.C.

These Teenagers Have Already Accomplished More Than You Ever Will

The winners of this year's Intel Science Talent Search take on flu vaccines, stem cells and tools for diagnosing cancer

Female Computer Scientists Make the Same Salary as Their Male Counterparts

Only 20 percent of programmers are women, though

Maria Klawe — Mathematician, Computer Scientist & President of Harvey Mudd College

Mathematician, Computer Scientist & President of Harvey Mudd College

Clarke has seen the future of war and says it will be fought by hackers.

Richard Clarke on Who Was Behind the Stuxnet Attack

America's longtime counterterrorism czar warns that the cyberwars have already begun—and that we might be losing

Rather than amateurs working out of their parents' basement, malware creators are often part of an underworld of criminal gang, or working directly for a foreign government or intelligence agency.

Top Ten Most-Destructive Computer Viruses

Created by underground crime syndicates and government agencies, these powerful viruses have done serious damage to computer networks worldwide

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