
Proud Panda Parents Mei Xiang and Tian Tian

Meet the National Zoo’s Newest Panda Cub

Giant panda Mei Xiang gave birth to a panda cub at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C.

A male, left, and a female, right, of the new monkey species.

Meet the World’s Newest Monkey Species

Lesula (Cercopithecus lomamiensis) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the world's newest species of monkey


Russian Mammoth Discovery May Lead to Furry Clones

Scientists discovered the remains of a woolly mammoth in Yakutia region on Russia’s Arctic coast


The Best Argument for Saving Threatened Species That Do Not Benefit Humans

A new list of the world's 100 most threatened species challenges the world to care

All Ears! An Underwater Sculpture that Listens

A collaboration between sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor and marine biologist Heather Spence aims to track the development of a new coral reef

Oil hangs in the water following the blow-out of the Macondo well, June 19, 2010.

How Scientists Know the Tar Balls Hurricane Isaac Dredged Up Came From the BP Oil Spill

Scientists confirm that oil strewn by hurricane Isaac derived from BP's blown-out Macondo well


Three Decades After Last Sighting, Japanese River Otter Declared Extinct

Japan bids its Japanese River Otter a collective 'sayonara' this week after the country's Ministry of the Environment officially declared the species extinct


Russian President Vladimir Putin Dressed Up Like a Bird and Tried to Lead a Flock of Migrating Cranes

With white suit and glider, Putin sought to lead a flock of Siberian cranes


NYC Has Its Own Ant, the “ManhattAnt”

A new ant species joins a menagerie of other creatures cut off from their kind in isolated patches of urban green in NYC

An octopus in the eastern Pacific

Global Warming Could Increase Biodiversity

Gentle global warming could be a boon for marine biodiversity


This New Species of Stick Bug Is Big, Slow, Colorful and Smelly

A new species discovered in the Philippines has scientists wondering just how many animals we're missing out on

Birds Hold Funerals For Fallen Comrades

Researchers observed that western scrub jays hold funeral reveries for fallen comrades

Today, passenger pigeons’ habitat consists of a few museum display cases around the U.S.

Extinction Rates Are Biased And Much Worse Than You Thought

The IUCN's Red List of endangered species looks bad, but the reality is probably much, much worse


How Can a Jellyfish This Slow Be So Deadly? It's Invisible

One of the world's most devastating predators is brainless, slow and voracious

A fishing trawler off the coast of Turkey.

Lighted Escape Hatches Could Help Little Fish Flee Trawlers’ Nets

Rigid illuminated rings could help unwanted bycatch escape from fishing nets

New Maps Will Keep Ecotourists From Ruining Dolphins’ All-Important Naps

Ecotourists in Hawaii might be inadvertently harming the very dolphin species they hope to interact with by interrupting essential daytime naps

Studying animals can help greatly with the advancement of human medicine.

How Looking to Animals Can Improve Human Medicine

In a new book, UCLA cardiologist Barbara Natterson-Horowitz reminds us that humans are animals too. Now, if only other doctors could think that way


Wracked by Face Cancer, Tasmanian Devils Fight Off Extinction

Tasmanian devils are on the verge of extinction, but a captive breeding program may be able to bring them back

Kanzi creates his hominid-rivaling tools.

Crafty Bonobo Shows Humans Aren’t the Only Stone Tool-Makers

Visitors can now enjoy the antics of the Zoo’s three-month old fishing cat kittens.

Baby Fishing Cats Up the Zoo’s Cute Factor

More from the Zoo's baby boom, three-month-old kittens frolic on display

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