

Why Do Cute Animals Make Us Want to Squeeze Their Little Brains Out?

Sometimes, we just can't handle all of that joy

The triumphant space traveler returned from his/her big adventure?


Western nations fear the technologies deployed in Iran's space program could be used to develop ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads


Leave No Dolphin Behind: Dolphin Pod Carries Injured Member Until She Stops Breathing

Watch these dolphins try to save their injured friend


There’s a Vaccine for the Cat Version of HIV. So Why Are Cats Still Getting Sick?

Understanding how cats with FIV stay healthy could help researchers figure out how to keep humans with HIV from falling ill

Faithful Monkeys Make More Babies

When owl monkeys break up the mate that takes up with "the other partner" produces fewer offspring than faithful monkeys


Tapirs—South America’s Largest And Weirdest Mammal—Thrive in Secret Jungle Corridors

Good news for tapirs, the odd forest dwelling South American mammals that look something like a cross between a deer, pig and anteater


These Models Probably Never Thought They’d Be Shooting Fashion Photos With Whale Sharks

A journalist and a photographer juxtaposed beautiful women with whale sharks in order to raise awareness about the species' plight

A Thai enforcement officer with one of the shocked, rescued babies.

Bag Full of Otters Recovered at Thai Airport

Eleven live otters turned up in a scanned bagged that someone had abandoned at the oversized luggage area of Bangkok's airport


Rare Spider Hides Out in London Cemetery Vaults for 150 Years

Around 100 spiders turned up in the tombs, some of which date back to the 1830s


Scientists Don’t Quite Know How This Cat Managed Her 200-Mile Trek Home

Holly the cat's 200 mile journey home has scientists wondering just how animals navigate


Sea Cows Used To Walk on Land in Africa And Jamaica

Until now, paleontologists have drawn a blank on the evolutionary link between the manatee's African and Jamaican relatives


The Gory Details of Artist Katrina van Grouw’s Unfeathered Birds

A British artist, with experience in ornithology, explains how she created anatomical drawings of 200 different species of birds for a new book

Chimps Have an Innate Sense of Fairness

Human ideals about fairness may not be so human after all


Why Are Chimpanzees Stronger Than Humans?

Chimps are far stronger than we are - but why?

Brazilian Waxes Could Make Pubic Lice Go Extinct

Without pubic hair, people are that much safer from pubic lice


Scientists Finally Figure Out How Squids Mate

There are all sorts of animals that we actually have never seen get it on. Squid used to be one of them


Raccoons Are Getting Brain Cancer From a Previously Unknown Virus

A new cancer-causing virus is affecting U.S. raccoons

Turkey feather

Beautiful Artwork Cut Out of Feathers

A clever artist uses a scalpel and tweezers to cut beautiful bird silhouettes out of feathers


There Are Whales Alive Today Who Were Born Before Moby Dick Was Written

Some of the bowhead whales in the icy waters off of Alaska today are over 200 years old


There Goes the Ecosystem: Alien Animals Invade Antarctica

Humanity is well on its way to screwing up Antarctic and the Southern Ocean in addition to the warmer corners of the world

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