Ancient Egypt

The mud brick foundation of a 3,200-year-old temple to the pharaoh Rameses II

Remains of Temple to Ramses II Discovered Near Cairo

The recent find was five years in the making

Egyptians bringing in the harvest

Volcanic Eruptions Could Have Spurred Revolts in Ancient Egypt

A new study comparing eruptions and uprisings looks at how volcanoes meddle with annual Nile floods

A transcription of 95-foot-long inscription written in Luwian has been translated for the first time since its 1878 discovery

Scholar Deciphers 3,200-Year-Old Inscription That Could Shed Light on the "Sea People"

But the Luwian language text's unproven provenance calls its authenticity into question

Cat's Head, 30 BCE to third century CE

Why the Ancient Egyptians Loved Their Kitties

A show opening at the Sackler dramatizes the various meanings that the people of Egypt once associated with cats

Toad bones

Jar of Headless Toads Found in Bronze Age Tomb

Found in Jerusalem, the little hoppers could have been an afterlife snack or a symbol of rejuvenation

New Kingdom Goldsmith's Tomb Discovered in Egypt

The tomb of Amenemhat and his wife Amenhotep includes a statue of the couple, mummies, statues and funerary masks

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on this day in 1769 in Corsica. As a young man at school, one instructor said that he "has always been distinguished for his application in mathematics."

Napoleon's Lifelong Interest in Science

Napoleon was a Frenchman of his time, which means he was interested in how science could do good–he just took it farther than most

The Rosetta Stone in the British Museum.

Interact With the First 3-D Scan of the Rosetta Stone

The British Museum's model lets users get a close-up view of the precious relic

Tabula Peutingeriana.

Where to See Some of the World's Oldest and Most Interesting Maps

Chart humanity's course through history with these antique navigational tools

The Cairo Toe

This 3,000-Year-Old Wooden Toe Shows Early Artistry of Prosthetics

Crafted from leather and wood, the ancient Egyptian prosthesis was was adjusted to precisely fit its wearer's foot

Cats rule the world. But how did they get here?

How Cats Conquered the World

Scientists use 9,000 years of feline genetics to chart their global rise to power

The sarcophagus of Tadja, one of the mummies from Abusir el Meleq that had its DNA analyzed in a new study.

Ancient Mummies Finally Give Up Their Genetic Secrets

Armed with new DNA techniques, scientists have extracted genetic sequences from preserved Egyptians

The Real Culprit of an Ancient Egyptian Plague Was... Bread?

According to the Bible, the 10th plague to befall Ancient Egypt killed the first born child of every family

These Trees Uncover What Plunged Egypt's Climate Into Chaos

Examining tree rings inside the world's oldest trees reveal a seismic event that took place around 3,500 years ago

Egyptian Princess May Have Been Buried in Newly Discovered Pyramid

An inscription suggests that the tomb once belonged to a pharaoh’s daughter

Funerary garden discovered by CSIC’s research team.

First Evidence of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Garden Found in Luxor

Researchers have theorized that lettuce and palm trees were once planted there to honor the dead


How One Englishman’s ‘Grand Tour’ Helped Crack the Hieroglyphic Code

Thebes is the burial place of seemingly countless Egyptian royals and noblemen.

Mummies and More Than 1,000 Statues Found in Egyptian Tomb

The treasure was buried near Luxor

Entrance into the newly discovered pyramid

New Pyramid Discovered in Egypt

Earlier this week the interior structure of pyramid was uncovered at the Dahshur Necropolis, home to some of Egypt's earliest pyramids

Conservators carefully unfold the shroud, which had been stored in a brown paper parcel for some 80 years.

Ancient Egyptian Shroud Gets New Life After Rediscovery in Scottish Museum Collections

The shroud, which dates to Egypt's Roman period, is etched with a hieroglyphic inscription and "unusual" art

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