
"Do You Swear That You Will Well and Truly Try...?"

Trial by jury has had some ups and downs, but it beats what led up to it--trial by combat, and ordeal by fire, water or poison

Howard Hughes stands with his first plane, the H-1.

Howard Hughes' H-1 Carried Him "All the Way"

A silver speedster from the 1930s evokes the golden age of flight, a pair of world-class speed records and the early triumphs of Howard Hughes' life


One Man's Private Cache Pays Off For The Rest of Us

From the muddy yard of a private collector to the dresser drawers of a dealer, Mitchell Wolfson ransacks the world for his finds


Ruth? He Is Still In The Spotlight, Still Going Strong

A century after his birth, four decades after his death, the amazing Babe maintains a powerful grip on America's imagination


It's a New Battle Every Day In The War on Whiskers

Razors have come a long way in 7,000 years, but preparation and a steady hand remain the survival skills each time steel meets skin


Around the Mall & Beyond

At the site of a new Smithsonian museum, a team of archaeologists dug up traces of a 19th-century neighborhood


Smithsonian Perspectives

The electronic transformation that is under way at the Smithsonian will fulfill a central promise of democracy

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass Always Knew He Was Meant to Be Free

Taking to the podium throughout his life,the former slave fought with tireless eloquenceto "secure the Blessings of Liberty" for all


Mrs. Malaprop's Mangled Prose Set a President

Grande dame of an 18th-century comedy, she has been an aspiration to all who read boners, gaffes and mutilations perpetrated upon the English language


The Battle of Lake Erie

We were floundering in the War of 1812 when young Captain Perry delivered the winning motto, "Don't Give Up The Ship"


Smithsonian Perspectives

The modern museum trend toward interpretive exhibitions presents both challenges and opportunities

Photo of Robert Ripley, the creator of Believe It or Not

Believe It or Not, Rip Was Almost as Odd as His Items

Incredible! Incomparable! Robert L. Ripley, who won fame and fortune by celebrating the outlandish, was himself a prime example

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