Technology & Space


Five Funny Science Sites on the Web


Forensic Astronomer Tackles Three More Munch Paintings


Picture of the Week—Fireworks

Conventional wisdom held that only a huge stretch of DNA could function as a gene.  The discovery of an overlooked genetic entity upends that view.  Croce "was stunned."

High Hopes for a New Kind of Gene

Scientists believe that microRNA may lead to breakthroughs in diagnosing and treating cancer

The ocean's boundless energy (von Jouanne near Oregon's Otter Rock Beach) could furnish up to 6.5 percent of U.S. electricity.

Catching a Wave, Powering an Electrical Grid?

Electrical engineer Annette von Jouanne is pioneering an ingenious way to generate clean, renewable electricity from the sea

Building a robot that humans can love is pretty ambitious.  But Javier Movellan (in his San Diego lab with RUBI) says he would like to develop a robot that loves humans.

Robot Babies

Can scientists build a machine that learns as it goes and plays well with others?

Elizabeth Rusch is the author of "Catching a Wave."

Elizabeth Rusch on “Catching a Wave”

Sylvia Pagán Westphal is the author of "High Hopes for a New Kind of Gene."

Sylvia Pagán Westphal on “High Hopes for a New Kind of Gene”

Evidence indicates the wheel was created to serve as potter's wheels around 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia—300 years before they were used for chariots.

A Salute to the Wheel

Always cited as the hallmark of man’s innovation, here is the real story behind the wheel – from its origins to its reinvention

The Hubble Space Telescope’s Finest Photos

Now that the telescope has received its final upgrades, we look back on Hubble's most memorable images from space


Become a Mad Scientist


Learning About Magnets, Electricity and Acceleration at the Amusement Park


Wanted: Chief Scientific Advisor for MI5

Frustrated by human error, mathematician and inventor Charles Babbage designed a machine to perform mathematical functions and automatically print the results.

Booting Up a Computer Pioneer’s 200-Year-Old Design

Charles Babbage, the grandfather of the computer, envisioned a calculating machine that was never built, until now


Science Writers Have Fun Today


Happy Pi Day!

In honor of Pi Day this year, I present the first 2009 digits of Pi

A vegetable garden and less bottled water can help turn the White House "green."

Energy Efficiency at the White House

How environmental change can begin at the president's home

Photovoltaic panels are ideally suited to remote locations, as in this island community in Denmark, where the infrastructure required to connect to a centralized power grid is prohibitively expensive or too destructive to the natural landscape.

Energy Saving Lessons From Around the World

The curator of an exhibit at the National Building Museum highlights case studies of community involvement in energy conservation

Tom Casten (right) is chairman and his son Sean is president and CEO of a company called Recycled Energy Development (RED) that is installing a heat-recovery system at West Virginia Alloys.

Converting Energy Waste into Electricity and Heat

Energy recycling wiz Tom Casten explains how to capture power that goes up in smoke


Rebuilding Greensburg Green

Everyone assumed this Kansas town was destined to fade away. What would it take to reverse its course?

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