Smart News Science

Climate Change May Obliterate Pandas

Panda bears are climate change's latest potential victims, which threatens to destroy their bamboo forests

A Flourishing Microbial Community Dwells Within Your Belly Button

A team of researchers dug into 60 different people's belly buttons and found bacterial diversity and microbial mystery

Identical Twins Aren’t So Identical – Which Makes Twin Studies Harder

As twins grow and develop, each will acquire his or her own set of mutations - which could throw a wrench into twin studies

Mother Birds Teach Their Eggs a Secret ‘Feed Me!’ Password

Australian female fairy-wrens don't even wait until their young are hatched before starting to teach them life skills


Crocodile And Alligator Jaws Are More Sensitive Than Human Fingertips

Human fingertips are exquisitely sensitive to texture and touch, but they've got nothing on crocodilian jaws

How Gigantic, Ancient Cats And Dogs Got Along

Dogs and cats have never been the best of friends, but 9 million years ago they at least lived in harmony together

Celebrating Carl Sagan’s Birthday With the Best Tributes Around

The bright streak shows the ISS passing over Germany.

Having Trouble Finding the ISS in the Night Sky? Have NASA Text You

NASA will email or text you to let you know when the ISS will be in your area

Don Pettit has a lot of cameras.

How Astronauts Take Such Beautiful Photographs in Space

How do astronauts capture such amazing photos? What gear do they use? What problems do they run in to?

Blind Humans Can Learn To Sense Like a Rat With Whiskers

Finger-censor "whiskers" could someday help blind people sense surrounding objects like a rodent

Blind Mole Rats’ Cells Self-Destruct Before They Can Turn Cancerous

Researchers tease out the secret behind blind mole rats' resistance to cancer

The dengue virus

A Conservative Estimate For Dengue Fever Infections in India: 37 Million Each Year

Dengue fever is become more common worldwide, and India has been particularly hard hit

Glacier ice covers North America 126 thousand years ago.

Here’s Why We’re Not Living in an Ice Age (And Why That Matters for the Future)

The same feedback systems that took us from ice age to modern warmth are still around

An artist’s imagining of an alien asteroid belt

Finding Life on Other Planets May Be Even Harder Than We Thought

Some scientists think that to find advanced life, you need to look for an asteroid belt

In Canada, People Gladly Trade in Guns for Shiny New Cameras

Give up your pistol, get a new point-n'-shoot camera

How to Shut Off Bad Habits

Habits die hard, but researchers may have the first clue towards neurologically shutting down bad ones


Dolphins Go Hunting In Fishers’ Nets

Dolphins deliberately enter trawlers' nets to look for food--sometimes they get caught

Is Dancing Uniquely Human?


If You Eat Too Much Silver, Your Skin Acts Like a Black-and-White Photo

A complex chemical reaction is responsible for argyria, the condition in which a person turns a deep shade of blue


Monkeys Totally Not Into PDA

Monkeys engage in "sneaky sex" to escape the burning gaze of voyeuristic bystanders

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