Smart News

Some members of the Bloomsbury Group, including Huxley. Left to right: Lady Ottoline Morrell, Mrs. Aldous Huxley, Lytton Strachey, Duncan Grant, and Vanessa Bell.

How Aldous Huxley, 118 Today, Predicted the Present Far More Accurately than George Orwell

One of the pillars of science fiction would have turned 118 today

U.S. Army National Guard Sgt. Jennifer Peters

Army Women To Get New (Non-Comic Book) Armor

The Army has announced that they are designing body armor specifically tailored to women's bodies

A poster for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad hangs in Damascus.

If Syria Uses Chemical Weapons, Here’s How They’ll Work

Amidst the turmoil of an ongoing civil war, Syrian President al-Assad has been threatening to use chemical weapons if faced with international intervention

Robot Apocalypse Inches Closer as Machines Learn To Install Solar Panels

Not contented with the prospects of a mechano-libertarian post-apocalyptic wasteland, scientists are working on robots that can harness energy

Hobbiton, not Denmark

Real Life Hobbit Village Proves the Greenest Way to Live is Like Bilbo Baggins

Some Danes are taking to the dirt like Tolkien's hobbits. Their own Shire-like eco-village is a model of sustainability, and one of the oldest of its kind

World’s First Test Tube Baby Turns 34 Today

On this day 34 years ago, Louise Brown, the first "test tube baby," was welcomed into the world

Loud Sex Will Get You Eaten By Bats (If You’re a Fly)

Flies now join likes of Romeo and Juliet, and Tristan and Isolde, determined but doomed lovers who would do anything - including die - for love

This little guy might one day become a tire.

These Tires Are Made from Dandelions and Soy

Companies are experimenting with rubber alternatives, turning to things like dandelions and soybeans to build their wheels


English Evolving Much More Slowly on the Internet than During the Renaissance

A new study charted how English has changed over the past 500 years, finding it to be more stagnant than ever before

You could improve your aim, or you could improve your trash can.

Kinect Hack Lets You Sink Every Shot, Every Time

For those who can never hit the trash can with their little wads of paper, never fear, Kinect can help

Why 97 Percent Of Greenland’s Icy Surface Just Melted

Behind the doors of the Geneva Freeport are untold treasures.

Hollywood’s Next Heist Movie Should Be Shot Here

No one knows exactly what's hidden in a giant warehouse in Sweden, but everyone agrees that it's really, really valuable

Human population growth. Data: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Why the Population Time Bomb Hasn’t Finished Exploding

Today's Google Doodle celebrates Amelia Earhart's birthday.

Amelia Earhart, Fashionista

A few highlights of coverage celebrating Amelia Earhart's 115th birthday

Neanderthal skulls

New Study Suggests Humans, Not Climate, Killed Off Neanderthals

Flying ants emerge from the grass.

Invasion of Flying Ants Is at Hand

Britain prepares to welcome their new flying ant overlords


Want to be a Genius? Try Zapping Your Brain

Researchers are hoping to use electric jolts to jump start people's brains

Today’s the Shared Anniversary of Ruin Porn Poster Children Detroit, Machu Picchu

July 24th marks double jackpot for the intrepid explorers of years past as well for as fans of the latest photographic trend, "ruin porn."

Sally Ride on board the challenger

How Sally Ride Was Even Tougher Than Ripley in Alien

The 400 meter race on 1984 Olympic track

The Science Behind London Olympics’ “Springy” Track

When the athletes hit the track at this summer's Olympic games, they'll be stepping onto a surface as finely tuned as they are

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