Smart News

How Will Life on Earth Survive the Actual Apocalypse?

What will life be like for the last holdouts during the actual end of the world?


This New Rocket Engine Has a Fuel Tornado Inside

A new fuel-mixing technology could drive down the cost of spaceflight


Food Can Give You a Hangover

The connection between specific foods and migraines is tough to prove


Russia Just Voted To Stop Letting Americans Adopt Russian Kids

The Duma - Russia's power house of Parliament - voted in support of a bill that would ban American citizens from adopting Russian orphans

Even NASA Doesn’t Know Exactly What Causes Motion Sickness (But There Is a Way to Avoid It)


Spider Builds Fake Spider Decoy

The new spider, thought to be a member of the genus Cyclosa, might build these decoys as part of a defense mechanism to confuse or distract predators

‘In Cold Blood’ Killers Exhumed

Richard Hickock and Perry Smith's bodies were exhumed yesterday, as part of an investigation into four murders committed in Florida in 1959


The Dead Sea Scrolls Just Went Digital

Written between 200 BC and the middle of the first century AD, the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered again 1947

Fluorescence images of uncompressed (left) and compressed (right) colonies of malignant breast epithelial cells. Compressed colonies are smaller and more organized.

Giving Breast Cells a Little Squeeze Can Stop Cancerous Growth

Good news for breasts: simply giving would-be malignant mammary cells a little squeeze helps guide them back to a normal growth pattern

In Vigil for Newtown Victims, Video Gamers Will Put Down Their Weapons

On Friday, December 21st, a day of cease fire for online shooters


Pitcher Plants Entice Ants With a Water Slide of Death

A Venezuelan pitcher plant's specially adapted, wettable hairs counter the sticky pads and little claws on insect feet and are especially deadly for ants


Television Chefs’ Recipes Aren’t Any Healthier Than Packaged TV Dinners

Don't be fooled by a television chef's home style kitchen and their television figures - the food TV chefs make may be worse for you than the supermarket variety


Stop Texting While You’re Walking

Texting while walking is pretty obviously a bad idea - but just how bad is it?


Native American Woman May Have Made It to Europe 500 Years Before Columbus Was Born

A photo of an eastern cougar, date unknown.

Eastern Cougar ‘Ghost Cat’ Declared Extinct

The eastern cougar is extinct. But did it ever exist in the first place?


Ramses III’s Mummy Reveals the Pharaoh’s Throat Was Slit

Ramses III's death has always been a mystery, but new evidence just emerged the the Pharaoh's throat was slit, likely by members of his harem


Prolonged Drought Could Shut Down Shipping on the Mighty Mississippi

This time last year the Mississippi around St. Louis was 20 feet deeper

Entire Microbe Communities Live Up in the Clouds

Thousands of feet above your head, microbes are living—and reproducing—in the tiny drops of water that make up clouds

Crayfish Have Been Secretly Spreading a Deadly Frog Epidemic

The more we can learn about how chytrid fungus spreads and attacks, the better chances we have at saving the world's amphibians

The IPCC’s famous “hocket stick” chart of global temperatures.

Is the U.N. Climate Report More Trouble Than It’s Worth?

Several mainstream scientists are expressing doubts about the necessity of the IPCC reports

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