Smart News


For Athletes, Time Really Does Slow Down

Neuroscientists now think that the perception of time might really slow down for athletes before the big moment

100 years ago, this would have been the only car fast enough to drive on Texas’ new highway.

100 Years Ago, Henry Ford Would Have Been The Only Driver on Texas’ New 85 MPH Highway

Texas' new highway will have a speed limit of 85 mph

Nature’s Sunscreen: A Big Bushy Beard

Beards block sunlight and could help prevent sunburns, but there may be side effects


Solar System Lollipops And Other Food That Looks Like Things

Food that looks like things, things that look like food, and food that look like other food. Chaos!

Oil hangs in the water following the blow-out of the Macondo well, June 19, 2010.

How Scientists Know the Tar Balls Hurricane Isaac Dredged Up Came From the BP Oil Spill

Scientists confirm that oil strewn by hurricane Isaac derived from BP's blown-out Macondo well


Scientists Don’t Sleep

Scientific researchers continue working into the wee hours of the morning, but the experiments they really want to do would take 1,000 lifetimes


Admitting That Big Ugly Spider Is Terrifying Will Make It Less Frightening

Talk about your fear while you do the thing you fear most, and you might have better luck overcoming your phobia


Three Decades After Last Sighting, Japanese River Otter Declared Extinct

Japan bids its Japanese River Otter a collective 'sayonara' this week after the country's Ministry of the Environment officially declared the species extinct


The Navy’s Future Is Filled With Laser Guns

The US Navy is driving the push in the development of laser-based weaponry


Questions About the Apocalypse? Ask This Guy

David Morrison, an astrobiologist by day, and apocalypse expert by night, is here to clear up your questions about the end of the world


Russian President Vladimir Putin Dressed Up Like a Bird and Tried to Lead a Flock of Migrating Cranes

With white suit and glider, Putin sought to lead a flock of Siberian cranes

Even More Evidence That Football Causes Brain Injury

A new study found football players were nearly four times more likely to have died from Alzheimer's disease or Lou Gehrig's disease

Junk DNA Isn’t Junk, and That Isn’t Really News

News that about 80 percent of our DNA is functional might surprise some, but won't surprise geneticists


Yes, Arcade Crane Games Are Rigged - Here's How

Why those cute stuffed animals always slip through your mechanical robot fingers

Trust us, there’s nothing old fashioned about Estonian youth.

Estonia’s Teaching 100 Percent of Its First Graders to Code

Estonia is implementing a new curriculum that will teach 100 percent of its publicly educated students to write code

New Camouflage Makeup Protects Soldiers From Bomb Burns

Soldiers are adding a new makeup to their war wardrobe that protects them from bomb blast burns

I see you.

Future Parents Will Always, Always Know Where Their Kids Are

There may be 70 million people tracking their family members through GPS-enabled phones in 2016

10,000 Yosemite Visitors May Have Been Exposed to Deadly Hantavirus

Up to 10,000 people who stayed in Yosemite National Park between June and August may have been exposed to a deadly, mouse-borne hantavirus

Happy 100th Birthday to John Cage, Who Made a Lot of People Angry

Sixty years ago, John Cage put on a performance of a piece called 4'33" or "four minutes, thirty-three seconds." Today would have been his birthday

Cold War–Era Science Shows Beer Will Survive a Nuclear Apocalypse

In 1955, scientists dropped nukes on beer and soda to see how they held up

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