Smart News

Workers examine remains at a mass grave in eastern Bosnia in 2004.

Buried Pig Bodies Help Scientists Refine Search Methods for Mass Graves

Currently, the science of detecting mass graves is hit or miss, though the remains of thousands of missing persons may be stashed in clandestine graves


Why Your Lucky Underwear And Pre-Game Routine Might Actually Work

One in three students in the UK wears lucky underwear. And while you might laugh their habits off, there's a reason that those rituals might actually work

Another Mayan Ruin in Belize. Not the one that was destroyed.

Mayan Pyramid Destroyed to Get Rocks for Road Project

The construction company building the road appears to have extracted crushed rocks from the pyramid to use as road fill

Angelina Jolie’s Double Mastectomy Choice Increasingly Common, Still Medically Murky

Angelina Jolie's choice to remove breasts is part of a larger trend - but doctors aren't sure why it's more popular now than ever, or whether it should be

Curses! The Four-Letter Word Renaissance Speakers Wouldn’t Flinch At

Back in the ninth century, the S-word referred to excrement in a matter-of-fact, not a vulgar, way


Why Do We Laugh?

What is the evolutionary purpose of laughter? Are we the only species that laughs?


This Carnivorous Plant Throws Out Its Junk DNA

Complex life is possible without excessive amounts of non-coding DNA


Scientists Map Britain’s Most Famous Underwater City

Researchers have created a 3D visualization of Dunwich using acoustic imaging

Easy-Peasy Test Finds Serious Fetal Health Issues Earlier

Scientists can detect signs of Down Syndrome, brain damage and a preterm delivery using this new urine test

How Often Does the Oldest Person in the World Die?

Every so often you hear about the oldest person in the world dying, but how often does this actually happen?


This 3-D Printed Robot Also Can Assemble Itself

Robots get smaller, smarter, faster and easier to assemble every day. In fact, they're so easy to make that this robot can actually assemble itself


This is a Real Time Map of Wikipedia Changes

Who are the people who edit Wikipedia and where do they come from? Here is a real-time map to answer that question


This App Uses Audio to Guide Blind Photographers

While blind people can't enjoy photographs the same way sighted people do, that doesn't mean they don't want to take them

3-D Printed Gun Plans Are Going to Be on the Internet, Whatever the State Department Says

Barns Are Painted Red Because of the Physics of Dying Stars

Have you ever noticed that almost every barn you have ever seen is red? Here's why.


Feel Your Head Roll With This Virtual Reality Guillotine Simulator

Through a combination if sight and touch, virtual reality can actually be incredibly realistic


There Are Just Three Males of This Endangered Fish Left, And the London Zoo Is on a Global Hunt to Find a Lady

There are just three fish of this species left in the world, and they're all males.


What Is it About Music That Triggers All of These Emotions?

Real feel or social construction? Where does the mood of your music come from?


Shell Is Drilling the World’s Deepest Offshore Oil Well in the Gulf of Mexico

The new well contains around 250 million barrels of recoverable oil total - or just over three percent of the oil used by the U.S. each year


You’ll Want to Watch Today’s Solar Eclipse Create a Gorgeous ‘Ring of Fire’

Tune in this evening to watch the Moon eclipse Australia's early-morning Sun

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