Smart News

A "kissing bug," the insect whose bite can transmit the parasite that causes Chagas disease

New Research

Why Infectious Tropical Diseases Are Returning to America

Climate, geography and economy are just a few risk factors

Female saiga at the Black Earth Nature Reserve in Russia in 2009

Trending Today

What Killed Over 134,000 Endangered Antelopes?

Experts are closer to an answer

A painting of a bird from the 1633 Manual of Calligraphy and Painting.

Cool Finds

The World's Oldest Multicolor Printed Book Was Too Fragile to Read...Until Now

The 1633 book has now been digitized

Cool Finds

Why Coffee Makes Some People Poop

It's not the caffeine

Engineers at Cambridge University created a robot that could build and improve on other robots, in an artificial form of natural selection.

New Research

Watch a Robot Evolve

It's the mother of all robots

Screenshot from the short "Chad Gadya"

Cool Finds

This Animation Is Made of Embroidery

It took a year and a half to create a short film using "embroidermation"

Acropora species, like those pictured above in Malaysia, seem to be targeted by a disease that destroys coral tissue.

New Research

A Mysterious Disease Is Killing Corals

Researchers still haven't cracked the mystery of "white syndrome"

The bust of Nefertiti at the Altes Museum in Berlin

Trending Today

Could a Door in King Tut's Tomb Lead to Nefertiti?

There could be more in Tutanhkamun's burial chamber than meets the eye

This man living in Dubai would need proper documentation if his bird is to fly — on an airplane, that is

Cool Finds

Falcons Can’t Fly Without Passports in the United Arab Emirates

ID documents are helping stamp out smuggling for the prized birds

Overwintering monarch butterflies

New Research

Scientists Are Still Baffled by Monarch Migration

When it comes to declining winter butterfly populations, something just doesn't add up

Cool Finds

This is How Bread Takes Shape in Tajikistan

A poke, a slap, a prized tradition

Trending Today

Watch the Perseids Peak This Week

Summer's stunning meteor shower is sure to please stargazers

New Research

Modern Milk is Kind of Miraculous least in the USA

The famous terracotta army guards the tomb of Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang. Dozens of other graves and ruins around China are not so well secured.

Trending Today

What's Behind China's Professional Tomb Raiding Trend?

Move over, Lara Croft: raiding tombs is an increasingly viable career in China

Monique Hammerslag of the Dutch police force in Rotterdam with two of her recruits

Cool Finds

Inside a Dutch Police Academy...for Rats

Cigarette-sniffing rats are creating new job opportunities for their fellow rodents

What do this cat's pupils say about what it had for dinner?

New Research

How Do Animals Find Food? The Answer's in Their Eyes

Pupil shape provides differing advantages to those who crave the hunt and those who hide

Trending Today

Russia Might Own the North Pole

Thanks to global warming, Russia has claimed a new ocean in the Arctic

Does this look like a stoner to you?

New Research

Did Shakespeare Smoke Pot?

Tobacco pipes in the Bard’s backyard may retain traces of cannabis, but some historians remain skeptical

Cool Finds

Teenage Girls Have Led Language Innovation for Centuries

They've been on the cutting edge of the English language since at least the 1500s

New Research

Search Engines Can Sway Undecided Voters

New research uncovers "the search engine effect" and its potential to influence election outcomes

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