Humans Have Promoted the Reef Shark to Apex Predator
How these diverse predators ended up getting all the credit
Sharks and Humans: A Love-Hate Story
A short history of our relationship with the ocean’s most intimidating fish
How Realistic Is the Shark Science in "The Shallows"?
We ask shark expert Chris Lowe whether the science in the upcoming shark thriller has any teeth. Beachgoers: You're welcome.
This Photographer Shoots Sharks to Save Them
When he’s not creating movie posters, Michael Muller swims among the oceanic predators, capturing stunning images
"Shark Vision" Shines Light on Biofluorescent Species
Using a specially designed filter, divers uncovered the glowing patterns on the skin of catsharks
Thousands of Blacktip Sharks Are Hanging Out on Florida’s Coast Right Now
Experts say they're not dangerous, and are easy to spot
Leopard Sharks Navigate With Their Noses
After being kidnapped and dropped off at sea, the sharks picked up on olfactory cues to find their way back home
A New Species of Shark Gives a Hat Tip to Both Jaws and Ninjas
Some lucky kids got to name this gnarly-looking fish
Not Just Dolphins: Where to Swim With Pigs, Penguins and the Gentlest of Sharks
At these beaches, splash around with some more unusual creatures
Frustrated with Shark Week, This Year Biologists Celebrated Jacques Cousteau with #JacquesWeek
The French explorer and conservationist had a very different take on ocean life
Do Shark Repellents Really Work?
Mostly not, not even the one made by Julia Child
Where to Visit the Real Jurassic World After You See the Film
The movie's filming locations and inspiration offer lush vegetation, stunning views and plenty of sharks
Fur Seals Caught Preying on Sharks Off South Africa
The seals only consume the viscera, though, which may be why this particular type of predation took ecologists by surprise
Sharks Have Scary-Good Memories
New research on one species reveals an astounding ability to learn complex tricks and remember them for at least a year
Here’s Why Sharks Prefer Salt Water
New research shows that sharks sink in fresh water
An Electric Fence Wards Off Sharks
South Africa has begun testing a humane way to make its beaches safer
Save the Sharks By Swimming With Them
Ecotourism is helping promote shark conservation around the world—while also boosting local economies.
Bizarre Blue Shark Nursery Found in the North Atlantic
Rather than emerging in protected coves, baby blue sharks spend their first years in a big patch of open ocean
A Two-Headed Shark and Other X-Rayed Beauties at the Smithsonian
Sandra Raredon's x-rays of fish specimens are critical records for scientists studying various species. And, as works of art, they are breathtaking
Sharks Were Once Called Sea Dogs, And Other Little-Known Facts
Centuries-old illustrations of sharks show just how much we've learned about the fish since our first sightings of them
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