Giant Sperm Cells Belonging to 17 Million Year Old Shrimp Are the Oldest Ever Found
The sperm were longer than the male shrimp's entire body
Biologists Are Biased Toward Penises
Researchers interested in the evolution of animal genitalia tend to focus on the male side of that equation, often unjustifiably ignoring the female
In This Community of Brazilian Cave Insects, Females Wear the Penises, Literally
A genus of insect that inhabits caves in eastern Brazil has reversed sex organs, say scientists
What "Peak Beard" Says About Human Sexual Selection
Being sexy means standing out
Young Men Often Deal With Unwanted Sexual Advances From Women
Nearly half of the male students surveyed said they had been on the receiving end of an attempt at sexual coercion
Male Peacocks Make Fake Sex Noises to Seem More Attractive Than They Are
Faking a noise usually reserved for sex makes male peacocks more attractive
In the Animal Kingdom, Couples Are Often More "Monogam-ish" Than Monogamous
That an animal "mates for life" doesn't often mean what you think it means
Americans Are More Into BDSM Than The Rest of the World
Not only is BDSM far more common than you might think, it’s also far less of a red-flag when it comes to health and psychology
Chlamydia Can Live in Your Gut And Reinfect You After You’re Cured
Doctors have known that chlamydia can reappear, but until now they’ve been stumped as to how exactly it happens
How Medieval People Decided Whether Sex Was Acceptable or Not
Spoiler alert: your sex is definitely Medievally sinful
Some Scientific Journals Are Still Confusing Sex and Gender
Sex and gender are not synonyms, yet some scientific journals continue to use them interchangeably
Birds, Bees and Even Nectar-feeding Bats Do It
Across our fields, orchards and backyard gardens, the pollinators we rely on for the food we eat are facing threats on many fronts
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