New Research

A crazy ant queen.

Invasive Crazy Ants Are Eating Up Invasive Fire Ants in the South

How ecosystems will function if fire ants suddenly disappear and are replaced by crazy ants remains an open but worrying question

Doctors Used to Use Live African Frogs As Pregnancy Tests

Now, those former test subjects may be spreading the deadly amphibian chytrid fungus around the world

For the first time in human history the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has reached 400 parts per million.

A Friendly Reminder From Pretty Much Every Climate Scientist in the World: Climate Change Is Real

Yes, climate change is real. Yes, we are causing it.


Water Cut Off From the World for Billions of Years Is Bubbling From the Bottom of a Mine

1.5 miles down at the base of a Canadian mine life may have thrived


Scientists Are Finding Clues to the Next Mega-Earthquake in One That Hit the West Coast in 1700

Researchers now know details of how the infamous earthquake of 1700 struck the West Coast


Peeping in on the Process of Turning Caterpillar to Butterfly

Previously, researchers hoping to learn about metamorphosis had to dissect the chrysalis, which killed the developing insect inside


Dogs Experience a Runner’s High (But Ferrets Do Not)

Though the researchers didn't include cats in the study, they suspect that felines, too, would experience a runner's high

Climate Change Is Making the Whole Planet Tip

Climate change isn't just making the North Pole warmer, it's actually changing where the North Pole is located

E. coli Can Survive the Freezing Cold Winter Hidden in Manure

Even the harsh Canadian winter can't kill these hardy bacteria


Mount Everest Is Not Immune to Climate Change

Over the past 50 years, the snow line has receded nearly 600 feet up the mountain and glaciers in the region have shrunk by 13 percent

Parasitic hookworms in a person’s intestinal lining.

Jury-Rigged iPhone Microscope Can See Parasitic Worms Just Fine

The new contraption detected giant roundworm eggs 81 percent of the time and roundworm eggs 54 percent of the time in village samples in Tanzania


This Carnivorous Plant Throws Out Its Junk DNA

Complex life is possible without excessive amounts of non-coding DNA

Easy-Peasy Test Finds Serious Fetal Health Issues Earlier

Scientists can detect signs of Down Syndrome, brain damage and a preterm delivery using this new urine test

Could Lightning Come From Space?

Cosmic rays may cause a "runaway breakdown" of electrons when they collide with highly charged particles in thunderclouds


There Should Be an Endangered Species List for Ecosystems, Too

Listing an ecosystem or animal as endangered does not save it from extinction, but it can bring attention and inspire protection

A new and improved model of the human tongue.

How Much Do We Really Know About Your Tongue?

This new model is the most complete guide for understanding the "complex interweaving" of our tongue muscles


The Deep Seafloor Turns Out to Be a Treasure Trove for Ancient DNA

DNA preserved in the the ocean floor could provide a unique view of ancient animals that aren't represented in the fossil record


Potato Cannons are Way More Dangerous Than You Think — Especially When the Air Force Gets Their Hands On Them

With the right fuel, you can send a potato flying at more than 300 miles per hour


You Totally Would Have Wanted This Little Dome-Headed Dinosaur as a Pet

Just 90 pounds and 6 feet tall, this newly discovered dinosaur is the oldest of its kind


This New Drug Neutralizes Heroin Before Users Feel the High

By binding the psychoactive ingredients in the blood, heroin can't affect the users' brain

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