New Research

A solar flare erupts from the Sun in 2012.

When Will the Next Solar Superflare Hit Earth?

The year 2209 just got a lot scarier

A paralyzed subject moves his legs with the help of transcutaneous stimulation.

Five Paralyzed Men Move Their Legs Again in a UCLA Study

As electrodes on the skin stimulated their spines, the study participants made "step-like" motions

Lightning strikes near the U.S. Capitol building

Lightning Strikes Can Change Rocks' Atomic Structure

New research suggests that rock crystals melt under the intense force and heat of lightning

Cadavers Are Teaching Doctors to Be More Empathetic

By getting to know the person behind the cadaver, new doctors are honing the skills they'll use on living patients

A New Cooking Oil Can Be Reused 80 Times

Could it make for better French fries and disrupt a worldwide black market at the same time?

Modern Life Could Be Making Dementia More Common

Dementia is affecting people more and earlier than ever before — but is pollution the culprit?

Dinosaurs May Have Lived (and Died) Among Ancient Daisies

<i>Triceratops</i> loves me, <i>Triceratops</i> loves me not...

A "kissing bug," the insect whose bite can transmit the parasite that causes Chagas disease

Why Infectious Tropical Diseases Are Returning to America

Climate, geography and economy are just a few risk factors

Engineers at Cambridge University created a robot that could build and improve on other robots, in an artificial form of natural selection.

Watch a Robot Evolve

It's the mother of all robots

Acropora species, like those pictured above in Malaysia, seem to be targeted by a disease that destroys coral tissue.

A Mysterious Disease Is Killing Corals

Researchers still haven't cracked the mystery of "white syndrome"

The larger Pacific striped octopus uses unique prankster shoulder-tapping techniques to lure shrimp prey within arms' reach.

Tropical Octopus Definitely Mates Beak-to-Beak

Larger Pacific striped octopus couples engage in a host of behaviors unheard of among other octopuses

Overwintering monarch butterflies

Scientists Are Still Baffled by Monarch Migration

When it comes to declining winter butterfly populations, something just doesn't add up

Modern Milk is Kind of Miraculous least in the USA

What do this cat's pupils say about what it had for dinner?

How Do Animals Find Food? The Answer's in Their Eyes

Pupil shape provides differing advantages to those who crave the hunt and those who hide

Does this look like a stoner to you?

Did Shakespeare Smoke Pot?

Tobacco pipes in the Bard’s backyard may retain traces of cannabis, but some historians remain skeptical

Search Engines Can Sway Undecided Voters

New research uncovers "the search engine effect" and its potential to influence election outcomes

Humans Evolved to Be Moved by Art

New research shows that while people respond to art for very different reasons, the ability to be moved in the first place is universal

Why Don't Balancing Boulders Fall During Earthquakes?

The interaction of nearby fault lines may lessen ground shaking around some balancing rocks

Corythomantis greeningi frogs carry potent venom in their pouts.

What’s the Difference Between Poisonous and Venomous Animals?

The first known venomous frogs, discovered in Brazil, raise some basic questions about toxic biology

Feeling Small in the Face of Nature Makes People More Generous

Awe, yeah

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