
Griswold has reported from the Middle East, West and East Africa and South and Southeast Asia.

An interview with Eliza Griswold, author of "Waging Peace in the Philippines"

Eliza Griswold discusses the U.S. approach on Jolo and applying these lessons to Iraq and Afghanistan

John F. Kennedy on the campaign trail in 1960

Sharp Pencils Shape Elections

How three pioneering reporters reshaped the way the press covers elections-and politics itself


An Interview with Josh Hammer, Author of "Return to the Marsh"

Ben Block spoke with Josh about Iraq and reporting in dangerous regions of the world


An Interview with Peter van Agtmael, Photographer for "Return to the Marsh"

Van Agtmael spoke with Ben Block by phone from the American base Fort Apache in Adhamiyah, outside Baghdad

Lepeadon, the "fierce man" of the Letin clan.

Raffaele Among the Korowai

Paul Raffaele describes his adventures (and misadventures) in Indonesian New Guinea, reporting on the Korowai


On Not Naming Names

The reporter was given a choice: Identify his confidential sources or go to jail. He chose jail

An animal shelter the author started in 2004 cares for Kabul's stray dogs and cats (including this mother and her pups being treated by veterinarian Mohammed Yasin).

Assignment Afghanistan

From keeping tabs on the Taliban to saving puppies, a reporter looks back on her three years covering a nation's struggle to be reborn


Who Was Deep Throat?

An investigative reporter enlists his journalism students to help him solve Watergate's most intriguing puzzle


Stanley Meets Livingstone

The American journalist's harrowing 1871 quest to find England's most celebrated explorer is also a story of newfound fascination with Africa

The warts and all approach of obituarists such as Andrew McKie of the Telegraph (left) and the Denver Post's Claire Martin (right) gives an "accurate portrait of those who have embellished and undermined our society," says obits scholar Nigel Starck (center).

Dead Lines

Today's obituary writers sum up lives famous and not with pans as well as paeans

Helen Thomas' press passes

On the Legacy of Helen Thomas

The White House correspondent's career as a journalist spanned ten presidencies and was marked by an unwavering dedication to the truth

Ida B. Wells

Against All Odds

A new play and photo exhibition call attention to Ida B. Wells and her brave fight to end lynching in America


Table Talk

A magazine should have the zest of a good dinner party


When War Called, Davis Answered

The first modern war correspondent, Richard Harding Davis covered the first modern wars

A Love Affair With Life & Smithsonian

An Editor's Note

A book from Smithsonian's editor recounts tales of writers and wars, photographers and Presidents, and the experiences of life in journalism

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