Black Holes
This Powerful Gamma-Ray Blast Was the 'Brightest of All Time'
Astronomers are "in awe" of the high-energy explosion, probably caused by a giant star's death
This 18-Year-Old Recreated the ‘Entire Universe’ in Minecraft
From the video game's blocks, he built galaxies, a nebula, a black hole and the solar system
Hubble Space Telescope May Have Spotted a Moving Black Hole
Two teams analyzed data from NASA’s telescope and found a compact object, which may be either a black hole or a neutron star
Here’s What the Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way Looks Like
A team of scientists from around the world collaborated to get a visual peek of the supermassive object
Astronomers Spot First Lone, Free-Wheeling Black Hole in the Milky Way Galaxy
The massive void, zipping at 28 miles per second, may have been blasted into space by a supernova explosion
The James Webb Telescope Successfully Launches Into Space
A rocket carrying the $10 billion dollar invention blasted off Christmas morning and powered up as planned, providing astronomers with a long-awaited gift
New Black Hole Image Shows Plasma Jets Blasting Into Space
Researchers say the new, detailed image of the black hole at the center of the Centaurus A galaxy could reveal how its jets formed
Scientists Discover Bevy of Black Holes in Our Own Galaxy
Palomar 5's unusual cluster may explain some of the Milky Way's star streams and other phenomena
Astrophysicists Detect a Black Hole Gobbling Up a Neutron Star in Two Separate Events
Researchers spotted both events using sensors to locate ripples in spacetime that traveled 900 million years to reach Earth
Scientists Capture Swirling Magnetic Fields in New Image of Black Hole
The updated picture adds polarization, revealing new details of the stunning cosmic phenomenon
This 13-Billion-Year-Old Supermassive Black Hole Is the Oldest Ever Found
Huge black hole is so old it offers a glimpse into the early universe, and so big it challenges ideas of how black holes form
In a First, Astronomers Witnessed the Birth of a Supermassive Magnetar Following a Glorious Kilonova
The scientists originally thought that the cosmic crash would create a black hole
Scientists Are Detecting More Gravitational Waves Than Ever Before
The LIGO and Virgo teams have spotted 50 total cosmic signals since 2015
Astronomers Capture Best View Yet of a Black Hole Spaghettifying a Star
The star was compressed and stretched out like a long noodle and when the ends collided, half of its mass ejected into space
Distant Black Hole Collides With a Mysterious Object
Scientists detect what is either the heaviest known neutron star or the least massive black hole ever recorded
Watch This Black Hole Spew Gas and Energy Into Space
A new video shows a black hole, about 10,000 light years away from Earth, shooting enormous jets of matter
Astronomers Discover the Closest Known Black Hole
The newfound 'invisible' object is only 1,000 light years from home
Meet the Global Team That Captured the First Image of a Black Hole
Never before had scientists seen the phenomenon until they rallied colleagues around the world to view a galaxy far, far away
Astronomers Puzzle Over Short-Lived Glowing Green Light Bursts
The ultra luminous X-rays lasted about 10 days in the aptly named Fireworks galaxy
A Star Orbiting in the Extreme Gravity of a Black Hole Validates General Relativity
The star S0-2 gets so close to the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy that it can be used to test our fundamental understanding of gravity
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