From mosquitoes to mementos, the smallest items in the Smithsonian's collections can be the most useful
A pistol-packing American scientist puts his life on the line to reduce "the most serious threat to African wildlife"
The foreign-born frontiersman became one of the 19th century's greatest wildlife artists and a hero of the ecology movement
In Anchorage, Alaska, you never know when a moose will show up on your doorstep
Northwest of Seattle, an overly friendly orca polarizes a community
When Luna, a people-loving orca, chose Vancouver Island's Nootka Sound for his home, he set in motion a drama of leviathan proportions
A disastrous chain of events nearly wiped out California's diminutive island fox. Scientists hope it's not too late to undo the damage
The California condor learns from people, other condors and the school of hard knocks
Sure, the new Kids' Farm at the National Zoo will be educational, but a giant rubber pizza and a "caring corral" will make it also a place for fun
British horsewoman Francesca Kelly brings India's fiery Marwari to the United States in hopes of reviving the breed
Scores of teams battle for fame and glory in the no-holds-barred World Series of Birding
Floridians raise a ruckus over manatees as biologists weigh prospects for the endangered species' survival
Insomniac islanders are hopping mad over a tiny frog from that threatens their fragile ecosystem
When biologists study food theft among endangered roseate terns, they find that crime most definitely pays
A dazzling exhibition space celebrates mammalian diversity through re-creations of habitats on four continents
A new finding that fish feel pain has set off a tortured debate about the ethics of angling
In an unexplored region of Africa's Atlantic coast, an innovative photographer captures Gabon's bountiful wildlife
Stanford Addison uses intuition, compassion and persistence to "break" wild horses
Researchers' efforts to clone the vanished Tasmanian tiger highlight the quandary of reviving long-gone creatures
Elephant researchers believe they can boost captive-animal reproduction rates and reverse a potential population crash in zoos
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