Smart News Science

Reptiles Are Really Intelligent; We Were Just Giving Them the Wrong Tests

Now that scientists are coming up with new experiments and methods, they're realizing that there's a lot more to the reptile brain than they once thought

The launch of the LADEE probe from Wallops on September 18 as seen from Atlantic City.

Look Up Tomorrow Night To See 29 Satellites Blast Into Orbit

After dusk, on the second day, look to the east

Alberta’s Oil Sands Account for 9 Percent of Canada’s Carbon Dioxide Emissions

The oil sands are a bigger source of greenhouse gases than all of Canada's agriculture or manufacturing


This Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal Has Editors Who Are Still in Elementary School

Like grown-up scientific journals, Frontiers' young editors must review manuscripts, complete with figures and citations, for clarity and topic value

The tip of Antarctica’s Mount Sidley, part of the Executive Committee Range.

There’s Boiling Magma Beneath the Antarctic Ice, And It Could Burst Out at Any Time

Swarms of earthquakes beneath the Antarctic ice could be signs of an impending volcanic eruption

Water vortices surrounding a moving stingray’s body

Future Submarines May Glide Through the Water Like Stingrays

Cracking the underlying principles behind stingray movements is the first step to building future submarines

Indonesian Volcano Spews a Four-Mile High Column of Ash

Until August 2010, Mount Sinabung had been inactive for centuries

Where Do Dogs Come From—Europe Or China?

Where were dogs first domesticated?

Scientists Have Figured Out the Best Way to Goof Around at Work

You're going to procrastinate anyway, but here's how to make it work for you

Depressed People’s Cells Appear To Be Prematurely Old

The research does not address whether the shorter telomeres directly translate into health problems, however


Remnants of 3.5 Billion-Year-Old Bacteria May Be the Oldest Evidence of Life on Earth

The microbial sediment layers outdate previous evidence of life around 300 million years


This Floating Marine Laboratory Aims to Make Ocean Exploration Cool Again

The SeaOrbiter's primary purpose is for marine research, but it also aims to inspire


The Current Outbreak of a Dolphin-Killing Virus Is the Deadliest in History

Based on past disease events, researchers estimate that this current cycle of the outbreak is likely only at the half way point


This Scientist Let a Flea Live Inside Her In Order to Study It

To what lengths would you go for science?


Sleep Experts Have No Idea What the Most Common Nightmare Is

Past studies only represented a specific group and method of studying nightmares, and all came up with variable top results


This Antique Polar Bear Robot Blows Bubbles

It turns out that even early robot makers were all about the polar bear


Watch a Cougar Grab a Salmon off a Zipline

More food should be delivered by zipline

Woodwind Players Who Don’t Clean Their Instrument Risk Growing Colonies of Infective Fungi

Brass players aren't off the hook, either

Porcupines can be vicious killers. But not this one. This one is adorable.

Porcupine Quills Can Kill

Researchers in Italy watched porcupines corner a dog and stab it to death


Pollution May Be Crippling Chinese Men’s Sperm

The problem likely reaches beyond China, as some researchers have reported a worldwide decline in average sperm counts

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