Smart News Science

New Research

Third-Hand Smoke Is Dangerous, Too

Like a Virus, Nicotine Can Stick to Clothes And Surfaces for Days

The Hetch Hetchy reservoir is one of California's crucial reservoirs.

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California's Crucial Reservoirs Are Running Low, And That's Even Worse Than It Sounds

An ongoing drought has drained California dry

New Research

No Two Savannas Are Exactly Alike

Which means climate change will impact them differently

Cool Finds

The Great Debate Over Whether 1+2+3+4..+ ∞ = -1/12

Can the sum of all positive integers = -1/12? It can, sort of...

New Research

In the Animal Kingdom, Deadbeat Dads Breed Bigger Babies

Female reproductive strategies vary with paternal investment

New Research

Some People Can Train Away Their Peanut Allergy

Being exposed to small doses of peanut protein can help allergic people build a tolerance

This bee is not having a good day.

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Zombees Have Made it Across the U.S.

That gives us what, 28 days left?

Cool Finds

GM Purple Tomatoes Could Actually Be Good for You

These tomatoes are stuffed with anthocyanins (but they're not the only source of the healthy pigment)

New Research

Humans Are Naturally Inclined to Believe We’re Immortal

Even children who live in a culture with no beliefs about existence before birth have a concept of "pre-life"

New Research

Climate Change Is Already Causing Mass Human Migration

When temperatures are high, Pakistani men are 11 times more likely to move out of town

New Research

The Sun Is Spraying Water Into Space

When the solar wind hits oxygen-rich rocks, water can form

A curious, rare snow leopard checks out the researchers' camera trap.

Cool Finds

The Elusive Snow Leopard, Caught in a Camera Trap

Researchers managed to capture images of notoriously elusive snow leopards in Pakistan

A rare atmospheric anomaly in December filled the Grand Canyon with fog.

New Research

The Grand Canyon Is Young And Old, All at the Same Time

Geologically, the Grand Canyon is a baby, but you might say it has an old soul

The supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* at the center of the Milky Way.

New Research

Stephen Hawking Thinks Black Holes Don’t Exist

And he's been trying to tell the rest of us for a decade

New Research

Dogs Can Get Sexually Transmitted Cancer, And They’ve Been Spreading It for Millenia

This contagious cancer has spread from a single dog that lived 11,000 years ago

New Research

A New Device Can Use The Motion of a Beating Heart to Produce Electricity

Piezoelectric generators turn motion into electricity

Ceres, as seen by Hubble.

New Research

An Oasis in the Void: Dwarf Planet Ceres Is Venting Water

Ceres is a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter

New Research

Seriously, Just Stay in Bed: Fever-Reducing Pills May Boost Flu Transmission

Nixing a fever boosts virus replication, which could result in additional transmission

Trending Today

2013 Continues 37-Year Warm Streak

Yep, global warming is still a thing. The last time it was cold, globally, was in 1976.

Being on the beach helps too.

New Research

You Can Get Placebo Sleep

Simply thinking you got better sleep makes your brain work better

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