John M. Barry on Roger Williams and the Indians
The founder of Rhode Island often helped out the early colonists in their dealings with Native Americans
A New Crisis for Egypt's Copts
The toppling of Egypt's government has led to a renewal of violence against the nation's Christian minority
Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Resolving the dispute over authorship of the ancient manuscripts could have far-reaching implications for Christianity and Judaism
Finding King Herod's Tomb
After a 35-year search, an Israeli archaeologist is certain he has solved the mystery of the biblical figure’s final resting place
Endangered Site: Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
The basilica believed to mark the birthplace of Jesus Christ has survived invasions, rebellions and earthquakes
A Creche Reborn
In rural Connecticut, a 300-year-old nativity scene is brought back to life by the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Keepers of the Lost Ark?
Christians in Ethiopia have long claimed to have the ark of the covenant. Our reporter investigated
Christmas in Lalibela
50,000 pilgrims descend on Ethiopia's "new" Jerusalem
Scripture Alfresco
450-year-old paintings on the exterior of monasteries and churches-now open again for worship-tell vivid tales of saints and prophets, heaven and hell
Celebrating St. Patrick
On March 17, everyone's green-even the Chicago River. Yet St. Patrick remains colored in myth
Who Was Mary Magdalene?
From the writing of the New Testament to the filming of The Da Vinci Code, her image has been repeatedly conscripted, contorted and contradicted
Preacher on the Go
Tiny Smith Island has three churches but only one pastor, who gets around by boat and Golf Cart
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