
How It All Began: A Colleague Reflects On the Remarkable Life of Stephen Hawking

The physicist probed the mysteries of black holes, expanded our understanding of the universe and captured the world's imagination, says Martin Rees

Saturn's hazy moon Titan

Purple Haze: Alien Atmospheres Recreated In the Lab

By combining various gases with plasma, researchers are learning about the haze around distant planets

Artists interpretation of the earliest stars

Astronomers May Have Just Detected the Universe's First Stars

A long-sought radio signal indicates the first stars began burning 180 million years after the initial Big Bang

Nicknamed the Hand of God, this pulsar wind nebula is powered by a pulsar: the leftover, dense core of a star that blew up in a supernova explosion. Before astronomers had any idea what they were, Jocelyn Bell Burnell found the signal of a pulsar in her telescope data in 1967.

Fifty Years Ago, a Grad Student’s Discovery Changed the Course of Astrophysics

By identifying the first pulsars, Jocelyn Bell Burnell set the stage for discoveries in black holes and gravitational waves

If you look closely at the lower right of galaxy NGC 613, the baby supernova pops into existence at the end of one of the galaxy's spiral arms.

Amateur Astronomer Captures Supernova's First Winks of Light

Scientists say the chances were less than one in a million

Researchers estimate more than a trillion planets could exist in the elliptical galaxy at the center of this image.

Astronomers Spot Signs of Planets Outside the Milky Way

Researchers estimate that more than a trillion planets may lurk beyond our galaxy's bounds

The most detailed image ever taken of Lupus 3, a dense cloud of gas and dust that collapses to create new stars. This image is a compilation of data from the VLT Survey Telescope and the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope.

Dark Nebula Hides a Brilliant Streak of Baby Stars

South American observatory captures most detailed peek yet at Lupus Clouds stellar nursery

Pi^1 Gruis

Astronomers Get Best Look Yet at the Surface of a Red Giant Star

The image shows convection cells on the star are huge, confirming some theories about star evolution

The IMAGE satellite

Amateur Astronomer Finds Long-Lost NASA Satellite

The hobbyist was in search of the lost Zuma satellite when he spotted IMAGE, which went offline in 2005

The moon turned blood red when the moon passed through Earth's shadow on September 28, 2015.

Don't Miss This Celestial Triplet: a Blue Moon, Supermoon and Lunar Eclipse

January’s second full moon will appear slightly larger during its blood-red lunar eclipse

Galaxy SPT0615-JD

Behold Hubble's Best Image of a Distant Galaxy Yet

The galaxy is roughly 13.3 billion light years away, and formed just 500 million years after the universe began

Astronomers Spy a Black Hole's Double 'Burp'

New observations suggest that black holes cycle between activity and rest

Artists illustration of the K-138 system

Citizen Scientists Discover an Unusual Five-Planet Solar System

Users looking through data on Exoplanet Explorers flagged four sub-Neptune planets orbiting a distant star called K2-138

The Orion Nebula

Take a Breathtaking Trip Through the Orion Nebula in NASA's New Video

Combining visible and infrared imagery, the new video takes viewers deep into the star nursery

The Arecibo telescope, used to detect the Fast Radio Bursts

New Clues to the Origins of the Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts From Space

New analysis suggests that the bursts originate near massive black holes or neutron stars

Meet the Newly Named 86 Stars of the Night Sky

The new names are drawn from China, Australia, South Africa, Maya, Polynesian and Coptic traditions

A Quadrantid fireball

Quadrantid Meteor Shower Kicks Off the New Year

The annual show is known for producing long-lasting, bright fireballs from asteroid 2003 EH1

A compound image captures the rising moon over the Futako-Tamagawa Rise complex in Tokyo, Japan.

Watch the Supermoon Rise Around the World in Pictures

The 'super' event was a great excuse to get outside and take in some celestial wonder—even if the moon didn't look all that different

Dinosaurs Were Around Before Saturn Had Rings

Data from the Cassini space probe suggests that the rings may be as young as 150 million years old

Kepler has been gazing out at the twinkle of stars since 2009, analyzing the light of hundreds of thousands of stars.

How AI Found the First Eight-Planet Solar System Beyond Our Own

Google’s neural network sifted through piles of NASA data to find a planet hiding in the spacestacks

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