
A nearly-microscopic animal known as the tardigrade, above, is capable of surviving in a dry, lifeless state for over a decade.

How Does the Tiny Waterbear Survive in Outer Space?

A special adaptation allows the tiny animal known as the tardigrade to curl up into a dry, lifeless ball and survive for decades

Flying into the future

NASA Sparks Its Imagination

Rovers that ride winds on Venus, robots that roll like tumbleweeds and other wild ideas for exploring space


What the Discovery of Hundreds of New Planets Means for Astronomy—and Philosophy

New telescopes are allowing us to look at space more accurately than ever – and what they uncover could change our world


The 5 Coolest Planets Orbiting Distant Stars

Of the hundreds of exoplanets discovered by scientists, we list of some of the most interesting

The Mars24 App’s listing of times of various locations on Mars, including the Curiosity and Opportunity Rovers.

How Do You Tell Time on Mars? There’s an App for That

NASA has produced an app that helps scientists and amateurs alike keep track of time on the Red Planet

A digital rendering of Curiosity, set to land on Mars early Monday morning.

Curiosity, NASA’s Most Advanced Rover Yet, Is About to Land on Mars

The mobile laboratory will learn about the red planet's climate and geology, hoping to determine whether it once could have supported life


Should Pluto’s Planet Status Be Reinstated? Not Yet

Discovery of a fifth moon circling Pluto has some questioning where the "dwarf planet" category still applies to this faraway member of the Solar System


Scientists Discover That Mars is Full of Water

Looking closely at a pair of meteorites originating from Mars, researchers now believe the planet likely holds vast reservoirs of water deep underground

No one is going to Mars until scientists figure out how to shield travelers from deadly radiation.

Mission to Mars: The Radiation Problem

NASA wouldn't opt to expose astronauts to a 19 percent increased risk of cancer, but there's no telling what a reality TV show would do


When Galaxies Collide: The Fate of the Milky Way

The Hubble Space Telescope shows that we're on a collision course with the nearby Andromeda galaxy—and set to crash in about 4 billion years


In Case You Missed It: the Transit of Venus

If you didn't have a chance to see yesterday's astronomical event, watch this NASA video to see what all the fuss is about

The previous transit of Venus in front of the sun was in 2004, pictured above. The next won't be until 2117.

How To View This Evening’s Transit of Venus

A few quick tips to keep in mind as you take advantage of the last chance to see Venus pass in front of the sun


Your Last Chance to See Venus Pass in Front of the Sun

The transit of Venus is so rare that only 8 transits have occurred since the invention of the telescope


Today Is Your Last Chance This Lifetime to See Venus Pass in Front of the Sun

Venus' next transit of the sun isn't until 2117—so read about what to watch for and make sure to look to the skies

The October 3, 2005 annular eclipse, as seen from Spain

The ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipse You Might See Sunday

For the first time in 18 years, a solar eclipse will be visible in the continental United States


Picture of the Week: Stephen Hawking in Zero Gravity

The renowned physicist enjoyed the sensation of weightlessness while 24,000 feet over the Atlantic

One of the many mysteries baffling astronomers is how galaxies such as the Milky Way are able to form new stars at an unsustainable rate.

Top Ten Mysteries of the Universe

What are those burning questions about the cosmos that still baffle astronomers today?

Scientists calculated how to make a force field big enough to fit the Millennium Falcon.

May the Fourth Be With You: The Science of the Millennium Falcon

On Star Wars day, we take a look at the science behind the series' most popular spacecraft and the force fields it flies through

The supermoon of March 2011, rising behind the Lincoln Memorial In Washington, DC

The Biggest Supermoon in Years is Coming Saturday Night

The moon's closest approach to earth will coincide with a perfectly full moon


Fast Forward: The Dark Energy Camera

Get a sneak peak at the new project that will search for mysterious cosmic energies that drive our universe

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