Smart News Arts & Culture

The Bikini’s Inventor Guessed How Much It Would Horrify the Public

The modern bikini, named after Bikini Atoll where the atomic bomb was tested, was first unleashed on the world more than 75 years ago

Which Barbie would you buy?

Barbie Gets a Real-World Makeover

Artist Nickolay Lamm created a 3D doll-sized model of a healthy, average 19-year-old American woman, then made her up like Barbie


Yoga a “Distinctly American Cultural Phenomenon,” California Judge Decrees

Though its roots are in India, American yoga is a whole different thing

Museum to Preserve Lonesome George, in All His Lonesomeness, Forever

There are no other Pinta Island tortoises preserved anywhere else in the world, so George will be alone forever

A Museum in New York City Is Exhibiting Fragments of a Melting Glacier

After the exhibition concludes, the ice will be relinquished to its original fate - a melted puddle

First Death During Cirque du Soleil Performance

For 29 years, Cirque du Soleil had defied death, never seeing a performer die on the job. Until this past weekend

A 1963 ad featuring the Postal Service’s Mr. Zip.

Happy 50th Birthday, ZIP Codes

Half a century ago today the U.S. Post Office introduced the ZIP Code


What Do America’s Gay Families Get Now That DOMA Is Dead?

What does the repeal of DOMA mean for American's legally married gay couples?

Millennials Still Like Print Books!

Even in an age of smartphones, tablets and laptops, young folks (ages 16-29) are reading. A lot.


To Understand How the Supreme Court Changed Voting Rights Today, Just Look at This Map

Today the Supreme Court of the United States decided 5 to 4 that one major section of the Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional


NSA Leaker Edward Snowden’s Not in Russia. Technically.

Hairy Stockings and Other Pervert-Deterring Fashion Accessories

Most conversations gloss over the root of these creative accessories: sexual harassment

Tourists inadvertently torture a dolphin.

Chinese Beach-goers Accidentally Killed a Dolphin with Misplaced Enthusiasm

Judgement from other Chinese social media users was swift and condemning

Even After Exonerations, Wrongfully Convicted People Seen in Dark Light

Being exonerated is just the first step - new research shows that even those who were wrongfully convicted face judgement from the outside world

Home-Field Advantage Is Real, and Here’s Why

Theories about home-field advantage include the crowd, travel, familiarity with the stadium and referee bias


There Are 45.2 Million Refugees Globally, The Highest In Nearly Two Decades

Ongoing conflicts and persecution meant that 45.2 million people were displaced from their homes last year


Philippines Trying to Decide Whether to Burn, Crush or Donate $10 Million Worth of Ivory

The 5 tons of tusks are scheduled to be crushed by road rollers on June 21

Bullies are Now Using Their Victims’ Allergies Against Them

Nearly one in three kids with food allergies has been bullied because of it, often with the food they're allergic to

A slum in Nairobi

In Kenya, Where One in Four Women has Been Raped, Self Defense Training Makes a Difference

After a short training course, rape in a group of adolescent girls dropped from around 25 percent to under 10 percent

Can We Blame Men for Menopause?

It's hard to see how a genetic predisposition to sterility would be helpful

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