A scientist at Smithsonian's Tropical Research Institute helped catalog everything known about toxins in the skins of endangered frogs and toads
A new method could help scientists peer inside universe's densest star clusters to find undiscovered black holes
A new species of hermit crab is named to honor her 7-year-old granddaughter Molly
Smithsonian scientists have discovered what triggers the rare small-whorled pogonia to awaken from dormancy
Hunting wiped out wild populations of the scimitar-horned creatures, but breeding programs are helping them make a comeback
Tiny parrotfish and sea urchins can take over the job of their larger cousins to keep a reef free of algae
A marine creature’s unusual defense is becoming perfectly clear
Everyone thought that the Arctic ground squirrel was an invasive species on this remote Alaskan island. A pair of scientists beg to differ.
This remote Antarctic field station is an ice-covered arid desert, perfect for peering deep into space
With the help of a supercomputer, Smithsonian scientists figure out how to help the lobster fishery off the coast of Honduras
Scientists have found that some crustaceans have just the trick for hiding from predators
An NSF grant marries one of the world's largest online biological archives with IBM's cognitive computing and Georgia Tech's moduling and simulation
A whole new picture of Mercury's geologic history emerges, showing its crust is being thrust up and its surface is changing over time
The devastation was immediate, catastrophic and widespread, but plants and mammals were quick to take over
Forensic ornithologist Carla Dove shares her story of analyzing the bird remains or “snarge” scraped from the engines of flight 1549
Smithsonian scientists have discovered a huge cloud of super hot gas expanding from the middle of our galaxy
Sometimes, paleontologists don’t have to go into the field to discover a tantalizing new species
A Smithsonian scientist dives deep to a coral reef and finds much to discover
A new study shows that a group of ants have been conducting a subsistence type of farming since shortly after the dinosaurs died out
A Harvard-Smithsonian astrophysicist thinks a legal crisis is waiting for us on the surface of the moon.
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