

Special Delivery

In the 1900s, health officials believed that puncturing supposedly disease-infested mail and then fumigating it slowed the spread of illness


Maine's Lost Colony

Archeologists uncover an early American settlement that history forgot


Digging into a Historic Rivalry

As archaeologists unearth a secret slave passageway used by abolitionist Thaddeus Stevens, scholars reevaluate his reputation and that of James Buchanan


Lord Nelson: Hero and...Cad!

A cache of recently discovered letters darkens the British naval warrior's honor and enhances that of his long-suffering wife, Frances


Say Again?

Priceless wisdom that changed my life

Fascinating Relics

Smithsonian's wide-ranging mummy collection still speaks to us from centuries past


Variety Show

Off and running in the new year


Looking For a Few Good Men

While the budding Corps of Discovery plans the expedition near St. Louis, William Clark grades the recruits


Profile in Courage

Fifteen years later, a photograph of an anonymous protester facing down a row of tanks in Beijing's Tiananmen Square still inspires astonishment


Policing America's Ports

19,000 cargo containers flowing into the US each day pose a needle-in-the-haystack challenge to security officials worried about hidden terrorist weapons

Britannia offers solace and a promise of compensation for her exiled American-born Loyalists

Divided Loyalties

Descended from American Colonists who fled north rather than join the revolution, Canada's Tories still raise their tankards to King George


Meriwether Lewis Gets His Marching Orders

Jefferson spells out the mission

A Century's Roar and Buzz

Thanks to an immigrant's generosity, the Steven Udvar-Hazy Center opens its massive doors to the public


Our Man in Karbala

Coming to terms with Shiite beliefs


Who Was Deep Throat?

An investigative reporter enlists his journalism students to help him solve Watergate's most intriguing puzzle


Man of the Hour

Master horologist John Metcalfe keeps on ticking


Iraq's Oppressed Majority

For nearly a century, the nation's 15 million Shiite Muslims have been denied access to political power

Lafayette, Indiana—If Americans know where they're going, some thanks are due road workers like Tony Ybarra, preparing to stencil fresh blacktop and to set some drivers straight.

American Bounty

A new book documents a week in the life of America in all its rich, colorful, contradictory, nostalgic, emotional, heartfelt and, oh yes, exuberant...glory

President John F. Kennedy, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally ride through the streets of Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, the day of Kennedy’s assassination.

The President's Been Shot

Forty years ago, the assassination of JFK stunned Americans, who vividly recall the day even as they grapple with his complex legacy


This Month in History

November anniversaries—, momentous or merely memorable

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