

New Ideas in the Air at the National Zoo


Houses Built to Move the Spirit—and Save Trees

The innovative dwellings designed by Seattle architect James Cutler are rooted in the wooded contours of the land they complement


The Life or Death of the Salton Sea?

This huge California lake was a haven for birds and fish, and aimed to be a paradise for man but toxic chemicals and salt may be doing it in


Making History by Rising to New Heights

The people of Valmeyer, Illinois, awash in water three years ago, have built a whole new hometown, this time above the flood line


The Nation's Treasures Take to the Highways for a 12-City Tour

The assignment: pick the best of 140 million items, pack them (many are priceless and irreplaceable) and truck them across the USA


The Suyá Sing and Dance and Fight For a Culture in Peril

For 25 years, anthropologist Tony Seeger has documented the music of Brazil's Suyá and he now leads the effort to protect their rights

National Museum of the American Indian

A New Vision for a Museum on the Mall

Architect Douglas Cardinal hopes to realize his plan for making the National Museum of the American Indian into a Washington landmark

Hanging scroll

For These Precious Scrolls, Aged Glue and 'Damage Maps'

Not to mention patience, as 40 of them go from the Freer Gallery to six workshops in Japan to undergo a complete overhaul

Eadweard Muybridge, Boys Playing Leapfrog

A Curator Hunts Down the American Photography Collection of Her Dreams

A curator hunts down the American photography collection of her dreams


These People Belong In An Institution!

The Smithsonian Institution, of course. A search of the archives has produced these lighter looks at life behind the scenes


Smithsonian Perspectives

Among the Smithsonian's greatest legacies has been its long line of directors with vision and drive


Around the Mall & Beyond

When not overseeing a collection of 10,000 rifles, swords and harquebuses, Harry Hunter and Sarah Rittgers like to go out and hit a few bullseyes


Let the Bones Talk' Is the Watchword for Scientist-Sleuths

When the FBI moved in across the street 60 years ago, Smithsonian anthropologists began a tradition of helping to solve crimes

Zebra crossing a dirt road near Mpala Research Centre, Kenya

Creatures Wild and Wonderful Thrive at a Living Lab in Kenya

The Mpala Research Centre offers a pristine environment for collaborative study on how humans and wildlife can coexist in the future

Clyde Roper Can't Wait to Be Attacked by a Giant Squid

After studying (and eating) smaller squid for years, the Smithsonian's cephalopod man is now ready to face the biggest calamari of all


How Taxonomy Helps Us Make Sense Out of the Natural World

We all have a need to classify plants and animals, which is what the National Museum of Natural History does on a grand scale


Package Design: the Art of Selling, All Wrapped Up

When competition for customers' attention gets ferocious, that bottle, carton or can is a lot more than just another pretty face


America's Favorite Game Is the One Everybody Can Play

It doesn't get hyped big-time like other sports, but at the grass-roots level, where it thrives, softball is in a league of its own


When They Put It in Writing, They Were Cursing, Not Cussing

In ancient times, those in the know called on the many spirits of the underworld to make their curses, hexes and spells come true


Tools as Art

Welcome to the Hechinger Collection, where hammers are brittle, saws never get old and wrenches mimic baby birds

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