Smithsonian Voices

From the Smithsonian Museums

Sara Hallager

As curator of birds of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, Sara Hallager oversees the bird collection in Washington, D.C. Hallager and her team of 11 animal professionals care for a diverse and growing collection. She is responsible for the conception, goal-setting, planning, leadership and implementation of avian care on a daily basis, including bird well-being, reproductive programs, conservation programs, exhibition and interpretive public programs for the Zoo’s Bird House. Hallager began her career at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in 1984 as a volunteer and started working at the Zoo as an employee in 1987.

How Do You Weigh a Hummingbird?

See Spot. He's a small ruby-throated hummingbird with a big personality. He's also super smart and has mastered scale training.

A sanderling, Aldrin, is one of the shorebirds being cared for by the Smithsonian's National Zoo's Bird House team.

Is the Secret to Saving Migratory Birds in the Meal Prep?