
Foot fluid may help bugs escape in a hurry.

Foot Fluids Work in Surprising Ways to Help Insects Stick to Walls

Long though to boost bug stickiness, the fluid may instead help insects mold to contours and make quick exits

A mosquito feeding on a small Northern Bog Orchid (Platanthera obtusata)

New Street Lamps Lure Mosquitoes With Fake Human Scents

Lighting the way in the fight against mosquitos

This yellow-bellied watersnake gave birth without male contact in the last eight years.

In Nature, Virgin Births Are Pretty Common

Fish do it, bugs do it, even some species of snakes do it

Genetically-Modified Mosquitoes Could Help Fight Malaria

Two research groups offer two different solutions to one big problem

A German cockroach in a moment of solitude.

The Scent of Their Own Poop Entices Cockroaches to Congregate

Gut microbes imbue German cockroach feces with scents that allow them to find kindred groups

Ask Smithsonian: How Do Spiders Make Their Webs?

Learning exactly what those spinnerets are doing might just generate a whole new web of understanding

Fried insects, anyone?

Five Ways to Start Eating Insects

The idea may be hard to swallow, but crickets and mealworms will likely be part of our sustainable food future

Army ants really know how to take the road less travelled.

Army Ants Act Like Algorithms to Make Deliveries More Efficient

The marauding ants know just where to place living bridges to create shortcuts without sacrificing their food-gathering prowess

A Victoria’s Secret Perfume Works Great as Mosquito Repellent

A scent named “Bombshell” is almost as good as DEET

Bees are not so picky when they stop for a snack.

Ancient Bees Were Voracious Snackers on Their Pollen-Gathering Treks

Fossils from Germany could help researchers better understand modern bee eating habits and better protect the beloved pollinators

Humans may have raided wild honeybees' nests during the Stone Age -- this hive in a hollow log hive from Cévennes (France) reveals the details of the circular comb architecture ancient humans would have discovered.

Our Ancient Ancestors Probably Loved Honey Too

Residue scraped from pottery shows humans used bee products as long as 8,500 years ago

That cockroach has a nasty bite.

A Cockroach Can Bite With a Force 50 Times Its Body Weight

Adding to their supervillain-esque powers, roaches can gnaw through tough materials with surprisingly strong jaws


Watch Drones Drop Thousands of Moths on Crops

Swarms of sterile moths could be coming to a cotton farm near you

The Arctic Now Has a Big Mosquito Problem

The bugs are growing bigger and living longer thanks to climate change

A plate from Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium

Meet the 17th Century Female Entomologist Who Illustrated Butterfly Life Cycles

Maria Sibylla Merian’s work fought superstition and societal norms

Argentine ants

Invasive Ants Could Be Beaten Back With a Targeted Virus

The idea is sound, but work needs to be done to ensure the virus doesn’t take out other insects as well

See, in Slow Motion, how Ladybugs Fit Wings Inside Their Spotted red Shells

A view of the insects that is rarely seen

A Large Blue butterfly (Maculinea arion)

The Story of the Butterfly That Got Adopted by A Red Ant

With unexpected infanticide and toxic chemicals, it’s a story loved by all

Burning Man 2013 CARGO CULT

Burning Man is Currently Infested With Biting, Stinky Desert Bugs

The plague of insects is really harshing the vibe

"Flatties" might be more aptly nicknamed "fliers" for their ability to glide to safety should they lose their grip in tree canopies.

Gliding Spiders Found Falling From Tropical Trees

Flat-bodied spiders that live in the rainforest strike a Superman pose to take control of their free-falls

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