Cool Finds

Wilson Kipsang running the 2010 Frankfurt Marathon

Wilson Kipsang Just Broke the Marathon World Record

Wilson Kipsang just set the marathon world record, clocking in at 2 hours, 3 minutes and 23 seconds


This Football Player Is Afraid of His Team’s Mascot

Eric Berry has a problem. He's afraid of horses. This wouldn't be a big deal if he weren't a player for the Kansas City Chiefs

Researchers Hope a Treatment that Creates New Hair Follicles Cures Male Baldness

A specific protein called fibroblast growth factor 9, when overstimulated in mice, increased new hair follicle formation by a factor of two or three

An Incredibly Detailed Size Comparison Chart of Science Fiction Spaceships

What would it look like if you put nearly every famous science fiction spaceship next to one another? This image

Microbes Can Tell Scientists Exactly How Long a Body’s Been Decaying

In addition to helping determine time of death, microbes may be able to tease out causes of death and place of death

There Are Obese Dogs, So, Naturally, There Are Dog Weight Loss Camps

For these companions, shedding hair is easy, shedding the pounds, not so much


There Used to Be an Entire Museum Full of Weird, Old Robots, And You Can Still Take a Video Tour

Today, people can get their old creepy robot fix on the internet. But there was once a whole museum devoted to old bots

Archaeologists Looking for a Sultan’s Buried Heart Found a Whole Town Instead

Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent's missing heart still has not been found, but archeologists searching for it did discover a lost, ancient Ottoman town

Hemingway’s 1943 letter to his first wife, Hadley Mowrer

Ernest Hemingway Taught One of His Many, Many Cats to Drink Whisky

Ernest Hemingway: author, journalist, crazy cat guy

A creative mind at work?

What Your Messy Desk Says About You (It’s a Good Thing)

Recent research suggests that working in a sloppy setting may actually help inspire creative thinking

Almaty, Kazakhstan, will be home to a new $102 million dollar biosecurity lab.

This U.S.-Backed Lab Is Meant to Keep Talented Kazakh Scientists From Making Biological Weapons

The unassumingly-named Central Reference Laboratory is slotted to open in 2015 and will securely store and study highest risk diseases

Eagle versus deer

A Wild Golden Eagle Can Take Down a Deer Just As Well As a Trained One

Besides being cool images, the behavior captured on the camera trap is extremely rare for Golden Eagles in nature

Soldiers at the Korean War Veterans Memorial

Be Careful When Taking Pictures of Other People’s Art

The U.S. Postal Service owes the man who sculpted the Korean War memorial nearly $685,000

This New Grocery Store Only Sells Expired Food

Out-of-date food is often still good to eat, and this man wants to sell it to you

China Claims to Have Bought a Huge Chunk of Ukraine

China says it's purchased 3 million hectares of Ukrainian farming land, but Ukraine says it has no intention of selling land to China

Britain’s Building a Transportation Network Just for Bees (And Other Pollinators)

The idea is to provide passage for insects that play a role in maintaining an estimated 90 percent of Britain's greenery and crops through pollination

Do We Give Beautiful People a Break Or Judge Them More Harshly?

Beautiful people. We love them. We hate them. But do we treat them better or worse than non-beautiful people?

The iPhone 5s’ home button also serves as a fingerprint scanner.

These Hackers Say They’ve Already Cracked the New iPhone’s Fancy Fingerprint Lock

Hackers say they've found a way around the new iPhone's fingerprint scanner, and it doesn't sound all that hard

Medical Instruments Spread a Deadly Brain Disease to Surgery Patients

Doctors in New Hampshire recently confirmed that fifteen people have possibly be exposed to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - an often deadly brain disease


China’s Tianducheng Is an Eerie Ghost Town Version of Paris

If and when Shanghai spills far enough into the countryside, Tianducheng and its neo-Classical apartments will be waiting

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