
A Pack of Wolves Turned Up in Berlin For the First Time in 100 Years

Naturalists in Berlin celebrate over news: farmers spotted a pack of wolves in a village 15 miles south of Berlin, living in deserted former Soviet camp

Finned Robot Leads Gullible Fish Schools

A new fish bot joins the ranks of ethorobotics, or the study of bio-inspired robots that interact with live animal counterparts


Lonesome George Was Not Alone!

Invasive brown and black rats feed on the eggs of the Galapagos land iguana.

Ecuador Set To Poison Millions of Rats on Galapagos Islands

Twenty-two tons of tiny blue poison pellets will be used to try to wipe out invasive rats

A Bristlecone pine tree.

How One Man Accidentally Killed the Oldest Tree Ever

In 1964, Donal Rusk Currey killed the oldest tree ever. It was a Bristlecone pine, and here's why they live so long


Protected Mountain Gorilla Population Rises by Ten Percent in Two Years

Conservationists announce good news for mountain gorillas, but the species is not out of the woods just yet

Climate Change May Obliterate Pandas

Panda bears are climate change's latest potential victims, which threatens to destroy their bamboo forests


Superstorms Can Benefit Bird-Watchers

The strong winds and wide areal extent of hurricane Sandy brought birds from all over to the northeast US


State Department Takes On Illegal Wildlife Trade

Hillary Clinton aims to create an international coalition to stop illegal wildlife trafficking

Mother Birds Teach Their Eggs a Secret ‘Feed Me!’ Password

Australian female fairy-wrens don't even wait until their young are hatched before starting to teach them life skills


Crocodile And Alligator Jaws Are More Sensitive Than Human Fingertips

Human fingertips are exquisitely sensitive to texture and touch, but they've got nothing on crocodilian jaws

How Gigantic, Ancient Cats And Dogs Got Along

Dogs and cats have never been the best of friends, but 9 million years ago they at least lived in harmony together

Crocodylians are the last living representatives of the crocodylomorpha, an even bigger group that originated over 205 million years ago.

The Top 10 Greatest Survivors of Evolution

Travel back millions of years in your time machine and you’d find some of these species thriving and looking much as they do today

Blind Mole Rats’ Cells Self-Destruct Before They Can Turn Cancerous

Researchers tease out the secret behind blind mole rats' resistance to cancer


The Hunt for Bigfoot Goes High Tech

If anyone can find Bigfoot, it's probably the drones


Bee Hive Democracy Isn’t So Different From Human Democracy

Can we take a hint from the animal kingdom in order to smooth out our process of selecting a leader and reaching consensus?

Beetles Invasion: One Artist’s Take on the Insect

A swarm of giant beetles, lovingly sculpted by Washington D.C.-based artist Joan Danziger, descends on the American University Museum


The Best Wildlife Photographs of the Year

Over 48,000 photos were entered in the Veolia Environnement contest; these 10 were among the most stunning


Dolphins Go Hunting In Fishers’ Nets

Dolphins deliberately enter trawlers' nets to look for food--sometimes they get caught

Is Dancing Uniquely Human?

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