

World’s Greatest Extinction May Have Actually Been Two Extinctions in One

The Permian-Triassic extinction nearly wiped out life on Earth


Sometimes, Being the Best Dad You Can Be Gets You a Giant Metal Hook in the Face

Fishing selectively targets the best largemouth bass dads

A group of hagfish hanging out on the floor of the Pacific.

Hagfish Slime May Cover Models in Future Fashion Shows

The hagfish aims to make a slimy splash on the fashion runway with a tough, silk-like material harvested from its bountiful snot-like secretions


Urbanization Is Supersizing Spiders

City-dwelling spiders are bigger than their country-living brethren


Lobsters Have Age-Revealing Rings, Just Like Trees

Scientists have figured out a way to determine the age of your lobster


Drivers Keep Crashing Into Feral Pigs on the Fastest Highway in the Country

Colliding into a 400-pound feral pig at 85 miles an hour can do some damage


The Insane Amount of Biodiversity in One Cubic Foot

David Liittschwager travels to the world's richest ecosystems, photographing all the critters that pass through his "biocube" in 24 hours

Frogfish Might Look Like Sponges, But They’re Super Fast

Frogfish are really good at blending in with their environment - particularly with the sponges that they live on. But they're also crazy fast hunters

Like Snowbirds Heading to Florida, Galapagos Tortoises Head to the Mountains for the Cold Season

Birds do it, butterflies do it, and now, we know that Galapagos giant tortoises do it, too - but why?


Why Do We Hiccup? And Other Scientific Mysteries—Seen Through the Eyes of Artists

In a new book, 75 artists illustrate questions scientists haven't fully answered yet

Divers explore Kauai’s reefs

A Mysterious Disease Is Killing Hawaii’s Coral

Conservationists and divers alike are on edge over a mysterious disease sweeping through coral reefs in Kauai

Antarctic Animals Are Dissolving

Scientists have warned about ocean acidification for years, but now it's actually happening


Beavers On Parachutes

Beavers On Parachutes


Citizen Science Projects Are Actually Helpful to Science

How helpful can citizen scientists really be? A new review study says: very helpful


Who’s Murdering And Mutilating These Dolphins?

Along the southern coast of the United States a mystery is deepening: mutilated dolphins keep washing up on the beach, and no one knows where they're coming from

A Pack of Wolves Turned Up in Berlin For the First Time in 100 Years

Naturalists in Berlin celebrate over news: farmers spotted a pack of wolves in a village 15 miles south of Berlin, living in deserted former Soviet camp

Finned Robot Leads Gullible Fish Schools

A new fish bot joins the ranks of ethorobotics, or the study of bio-inspired robots that interact with live animal counterparts


Lonesome George Was Not Alone!

Invasive brown and black rats feed on the eggs of the Galapagos land iguana.

Ecuador Set To Poison Millions of Rats on Galapagos Islands

Twenty-two tons of tiny blue poison pellets will be used to try to wipe out invasive rats

A Bristlecone pine tree.

How One Man Accidentally Killed the Oldest Tree Ever

In 1964, Donal Rusk Currey killed the oldest tree ever. It was a Bristlecone pine, and here's why they live so long

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