Smart News

Proud Panda Parents Mei Xiang and Tian Tian

Meet the National Zoo’s Newest Panda Cub

Giant panda Mei Xiang gave birth to a panda cub at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C.


International Space Station Cameras Will Bring Earth to You, Live, 24/7

Two HD video cameras will stream free live video back from space


What’s the Deal With the NFL’s Replacement Referees?

Here's what you need to know about how and why the NFL has turned to replacement referees during contract negotiations

A Map of Every Passenger Plane in the Skies at This Instant

This site tracks thousands of passenger planes as they fly around the world


What’s Their Bacon Number? Let Me Google That For You

If you've ever wondered what someone's Bacon number is, you now have to look no further than a quick Google search

The famous painting

Mona Lisa’s Body Might Soon Be Exhumed

The woman suspected to be the subject of Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting might be buried in a church in Florence


Women’s Wedding Jitters Might Actually Matter

Psychologist warn that pre-wedding misgivings - especially among women - may be a sign that trouble awaits after 'I do'

An Ingenious Way of Shaming Politicians Into Fixing Potholes

A group of annoyed citizens in Yekaterinburg, Russia, reached their wits' end with the many potholes dotting city roads, so decided to take action

This Alberta corn field was shaped into a massive QR code.

Farming Family Makes High-Tech Crop Circles

An Alberta family won the Guinness World Record for turning the corn field into a QR code

The ruins at Mohenjo-Daro, built by an ancient Indus Valley Civilization.

Flooding in Pakistan Threatens Remains of 4500-Year-Old Civilization

Strong flooding fueled by the annual monsoon threatens the ancient town of Mohenjo-Daro


Spielberg’s ‘Lincoln’ Nails the President’s Surprising, High Voice

For his new movie role as Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Day-Lewis obviously did his homework


When Bad Things Become Funny

Humor experts set out to discover when tragedies are fine to joke about, and when they're not


Skeleton Found Under a Parking Lot May Be English King Richard III

A skeleton consistent with that of the long-dead king was unearthed recently in Leicester


Scientists Unleash Bacteria Into Boston Subway to Study Bioterrorism

To study the spread of biological agents, researchers sprayed bacteria into the Boston subway system


The World’s Oldest Color Movie Dates to 1901

A goldfish, a macaw, and some happy children were captured in color video from the early 1900s


This 6-Year Old Helped Build a Supercomputer out of LEGO And $25 Computer Chips

Sixty-four Raspberry Pi chips and a LEGO rack makes a surprisingly effective computer

Don’t Trust Robots? The Pentagon Doesn’t Either

Not everyone at the Pentagon is ready to embrace the new robot army

A male, left, and a female, right, of the new monkey species.

Meet the World’s Newest Monkey Species

Lesula (Cercopithecus lomamiensis) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the world's newest species of monkey


Your Fridge Is the Most Important Invention in the History of Food

The Royal Society has decided that of all the things we've invented surrounding food, the refrigerator is the most important


Slinkys Can Float in the Air (For a Second)

Further proof that Slinkys are magical

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