Smart News


Nobel Economists Looked at Finding The Best Deals When You Can’t Use Money

Two Americans explain how to best bring groups together


Three Views of Felix Baumgartner’s Record-Breaking Skydive From the Stratosphere

At years of preparation and untold expense, Felix Baumgartner successfully leapt from 23.5 miles


100-Million-Year-Old Spider Caught in the Act of Pouncing on Its Prey

A rare fossil captured a 100-million-year-old moment in time, a spider attacking an insect trapped in its web


The Man Who Deserved ’66 Percent of the Credit’ for Cloning Dolly Has Died

Earlier this week Keith Campbell, one of the scientists responsible for Dolly, died at the age of 58


This Helmet Knows When You’ve Crashed And Calls for Help

A new helmet, registering the impact of a mini-van's passenger door on your body, has sent out a signal for medical assistance


Sounding Smart with SmartNews: Your Cheat Sheet to the Nobels

Here, in Twitter-sized bites, are descriptions of the work that won the Nobel this week

More Chocolate, More Nobels

Chocolate consumption statistically relates to Nobel Prizes

An iceberg floats off the coast of Greenland.

Melting Greenland Ice Has Consequences

Melting Greenland ice could affect ocean circulation patterns, and further spur global warming


This is a Map of Every War Ever

The Battle of Jericho is the first entry in a massive project that sees the dates, locations, and brief descriptions for thousands of human conflicts overlaid on a scrollable, zoom-able map

Bafflement Over the European Union’s Peace Prize Win

The European Union received the Nobel Peace Prize this morning, much to the dismay of many Europeans and Tweeters

Downer News Bums Out Women But Not Men

Bad news delivered through the media increases women's sensitivity to stressful situations, new research finds, but men are immune to such effects


X-Ray Telescope Puts Glorious Nebulae in New Light

Composite images show stunning nebula in a new way

Kenai lived to be 23, much longer than the 15-18 years of a typical sea otter.

Kenai the Sea Otter, Rescued From Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Has Died

One of the last two otters rescued from the Exxon Valdez oil spill has just passed away

Mo Yan and Chinese literature translator Howard Goldblatt speak at a literary festival.

China’s ‘Provocative and Vulgar’ Mo Yan Wins Nobel in Literature

Chinese author Mo Yan took this year's Nobel Prize in Literature for his "hallucinatory realism"

This is not the lab in question.

Forensic Chemist Who Helped Put Hundreds in Jail Pleads the Fifth to Fraud Charges

What might have been be a standard academic fraud case is complicated by the fact that the scientist isn't just any chemist, she's a forensic chemist


What’s Up With the Winds That Keep Grounding Felix Baumgartner’s Leap From the Stratosphere?

Getting the right weather conditions to launch may be one of the hardest parts of Felix Baumgartner's 23-mile sky dive


Report Suggests Armstrong Not Just a Doper But a Pusher

Sources close to Armstrong have come forward admitting that not only did he dope, but he was at the center of the doping world


Robots Will Soon Assemble Your Ikea Furniture for You

What if you never had to assemble another Malm again? Enter: the robots


Trial By Judgmental Jury—Attractive Women Seem More Guilty

A recent study suggested that women who are blonde and beautiful are less likely to get any sympathy from a jury


The Residents of Tolkien’s Middle Earth Are 81 Percent Male

Life expectancy, gender breakdown, and declining longevity, and interesting trivia abound

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