Weekend Events: Elvis and a Concert at the Zoo!

Friday, January 8: Happy Birthday Elvis

No special evening events today; however, if you didn't already know, the National Portrait Gallery's new show "One Life: Echoes of Elvis" just opened! January 8 also happens to be Elvis' 75th birthday and there's no better way to mark the day than by having a quick tour through the gallery. I would suggest, if your arteries allow, that you wrap up the evening with a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich—one of Elvis' favorite dishes. But I honestly don't know of a place in DC that serves them. (If you do, share that info in the comments area below! Or you can make your own.) The National Portrait Gallery is open until 7:00 PM.

Elvis Presley (1987) by Red Groom. Image courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery.

Saturday, January 9: Return to Sender!

When the twitchy-lipped mug of a youthful Elvis Presley graced United States postage stamps in 1993, there was such a sensation that it stands as the most popular commemorative stamp ever issued. Come on out to the Postal Museum where you can learn the story behind the creation of the stamp as well as take part in a workshop where you can use rubber stamps to make your own cards. (And maybe hum an appropriate Elvis song or two.) Free. National Postal Museum, 11:00 AM.

Sunday, January 10: Wild Side Stage

Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Brady Rymer's music for children blends roots music with rock—and he'll be performing today at the National Zoo in this latest installment of the Wild Side Stage series! Also, you can visit the accompanying animal exhibit before or after the performance, as early as 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.  Tickets are required. Rates are: $7 general admission; $5 for FONZ members. Tickets may be purchased at any National Zoo store ahead of time or online at Ticketmaster.com. Tickets will also be sold at the door; however, please be advised that only a limited number of tickets will be available. National Zoo, 11:00 AM. This concert repeats today at 1:00 PM.

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