Angela Milner on Dinosaurs

Almost 30 years after the program aired, DinosaurTheatre has shared part of an original interview with Natural History Museum paleontologist Angela Milner

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I grew up during one the best possible times for a dinosaur fan. During the late 80s and early 90s, when our country’s Dinomania was at its apex, dinosaurs were almost always on television in some form or another. There were movies, cartoons, and documentaries, and among the programs I regularly watched was Dinosaurs Dinosaurs Dinosaurs.

The show was part of a fun series that covered dinosaurs in science as well as pop culture, and now, almost thirty years after the program first aired, YouTube user DinosaurTheatre has shared part of an original interview with Natural History Museum paleontologist Angela Milner. We’ve featured Milner here before – in a short video about her work on the croc-snouted spinosaur Baryonyx. In this video, she talks about the Victorian anatomist Richard Owen, how our image of dinosaurs has changed, and the idea – hotly-debated in the 80s, but an evolutionary fact now – that birds are living dinosaurs.

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