Readers Respond to Our March Issue

Your feedback on our cover story and more

In honor of the Smithsonian Institution’s new American Women’s History Initiative, our March issue showcased women’s achievements. “Written Out of History” showed that education standards throughout the nation require students to learn about significantly fewer women than men. “It’s way past time for schools to reinforce the intelligence, talents and independence of females in this country,” Lois Ford Coleman said on Facebook. “Until society and our leaders acknowledge and accept that women are equal in all areas, we will continue to struggle to prove our value.” Others wished the magazine had gone even further: “I enjoyed the focus on important and interesting women in history, as well as the discussions of gender inequality in research and publishing,” wrote Marlowe Daly-Galeano of Lewiston, Idaho. “I just wish you had featured one of these women on the cover!”

Gonzo Archaeology

Wendell Phillips (“Revisiting America’s Lawrence of Arabia”) seems to have become a lost antiquity of his own, given more recent methods of exploration. However, he did bring to light much that might otherwise not have been found. When the explorer outshines the exploration, one wonders what is wrong with the picture. A fascinating article about a fascinating life in a time long gone on its own.

— Jan Truslow | Yonkers, New York

I would urge Wendell’s sister to bequeath the remaining artifacts to the Smithsonian or a university that would be most appropriate for continued research.

— Lorraine Carribean | Atlanta, Georgia

In Tune With Americana

What great photos of Rhiannon Giddens (“String Theory”). I was very much enjoying the article when I turned the page to see Ms. Giddens airborne in the most joyful tambourine smash! An incredible shot—congratulations to the photographer Lexey Swall!

— Sam Chamberlin | Montgomery, Ohio

Giddens is a genius. Her knowledge of American Roots music is astonishing, only to be outdone by her voice. She brings me to tears every time I hear her sing.

— Janet Michael Drantch | Facebook

Whenever I hear her voice, I have to stop and listen. Long may she sing, write and teach.

— Ruth Landry | Facebook

Fishing for Answers

Even though I am a scientist, reading “The Mystery of Lake Malawi” made me feel like a fish out of water! It makes me wonder how every female cichlid is able to find a desirable mate, given how many species exist and how picky the members of each one is.

— Julia Leusner | Pennsburg, Pennsylvania

I was hooked. I read the entire story twice, and if I were a bit younger I’d be off to Africa to visit the lake before it is changed by overfishing.

— Richard V. Carr | Williamsburg, Virginia

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