Introducing New History Blog: Past Imperfect

Three historians bring their expertise together to provide history with all the interesting bits left in

Brian Wolly

Past Imperfect is history with all the interesting bits left in. It's a blog about the larger than life and the strange but true; about memorable names and faces, times and places, told with passion and precision. We don't expect the blog to have too many limits-we plan to take you to the furthest reaches of the Pacific and deep into the Russian taiga as often as we tour through Europe, Mexico or Muscovy-but we do promise to put down firm roots in the history of these United States. What unites us is a love of original research, a fascination with hidden history and with colorful characters-oh, and the firm belief that even the staidest portions of the past have their fascinating side. Join us while we prove our point. To learn more about our writers, Karen Abbott, Mike Dash and Gilbert King, check out our About Us page.

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