Scientists can attribute particular natural disasters to climate change--just not the 2012 Great Plains drought
Champa the bear has made a swift recovery following surgery at her bear sanctuary in Laos
According to the new models, around 70 percent of the area currently suitable or used for grape growing could be gone by 2050
Research into umami has unlocked answers about our preferences, our recipes, and perhaps how to correct our crash course with obesity
Brinicles, more than ice fingers of death, may have driven the formation of life
Whether women's preference is indeed solely responsible for driving the way penises look today remains an open-ended question, however
Climate change seems to be giving an unexpected boost to this penguin species
Couple whose relationship is on the rocks or who are considering divorce may maintain the appearances in order to attract other mates
The physics world is buzzing over new evidence for dark matter. We break it down for you
April 1st marks the beginning of Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month, but how does somebody celebrate?
The "superiority illusion" may depend on how connected certain parts of your brain are and how many dopamine receptors you have
Around 50 percent of people who recently meditated gave up their seat for a person in crutches compared to just 15 percent of people who had not meditated
Discovery TV crashed a Boeing 727 in the Sonoran desert to answer the question: where's the safest place in the plane?
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution inherits the submarine, which they will use to built even better submersibles
Men produce more and healthier sperm during this time of year
This new type of mini-supernova doesn't destroy the star
Dinosaurs had colorful plumage, but the palette may have been all wrong
Manipulating the gut microbes that cause obesity's smell may help researchers figure out ways to help patients lose weight
Record lows of Arctic sea ice also accounts for last year's unusually warm spring
Males may be selecting for females with brighter cheeks and bolder stripes, which indicate the females' genetic strength and parenting skills
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