Energy Innovators

Jason Hayman, managing director of Sustainable Marine Energy, checks out Plat-I, the company’s primary project.

Planet Positive

The Push for Tidal Power Faces Its Biggest Challenge Yet

The renewable energy source has never quite lived up to its potential, but a new experiment in Nova Scotia could flip the script

The museum's situation on the National Mall gives it access to ample water and sunlight.

The African American History and Culture Museum Wins Gold for Going Green

How the Smithsonian’s newest museum set the bar for sustainability in architecture

Termite digestion of wood pulp is the subject of research into
potential new biofuels

Termite Bellies and Biofuels

Scientist Falk Warnecke's research into termite digestion may hold solutions to our energy crisis


Wallace Broecker Geochemist, Palisades, New York

How to stop global warming? CO2 "scrubbers," a new book says


Q&A - Ed Begley, Jr.

Actor and environmental activist Ed Begley, Jr. talks about living green

Doug Fine

Doug Fine, Journalist, New Mexico

How an ambitious experiment in ecological living led to a goat pen

"The first Glidehouse™ ever built is actually Michelle and her husband's own residence"

House Proud

High design in a factory-made home? Michelle Kaufmann believes she holds the key

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