A Virtual Winter Solstice Event with Smithsonian at 8

Celebrate one of the longest nights of the year with a virtual edition of SMITHSONIAN at 8.

Smithsonian at 8, a production of Smithsonian Associates, hosts smart, adventurous and memorably entertaining after-hours gatherings with themes from the local to the global.
Smithsonian at 8, a production of Smithsonian Associates, hosts smart, adventurous and memorably entertaining after-hours gatherings with themes from the local to the global.

Celebrate one of the longest nights of the year on Friday, December 18 with a virtual edition of SMITHSONIAN at 8! Traditionally, the winter solstice is recognized by a wide range of cultures through feasting and festivals. Gather your friends and family (remotely) to fill your glasses and your tables, dance in merriment, learn something new and usher in this year’s solstice.

The night includes a live tour of the winter night sky with staff from George Mason University Observatory.

The evening gives a new spin to solstice festivities. Dance the night away with a live set by DJ Trayze and enjoy a cocktail-making demonstration by Mary Beth Albright, food anchor at the Washington Post, with an ingredients list provided in advance so you can sip along at home. Then pair your cocktail with a mouthwatering cheese board as DC’s Cheesemonster Studio leads a cheese board–building workshop and guided tasting (shopping list provided or kits available for purchase through Cheesemonster Studio).

DC’s Cheesemonster Studio will lead a cheese board–building workshop and guided tasting. (Cheesemonster Studio)

The night also includes a live tour of the winter night sky with staff from George Mason University Observatory. Discover what constellations to look for during the winter in the northern hemisphere then tune in for a curator talk on winter solstice folk traditions from around the world with James Deutsch of the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. And try your hand at trivia with a special Smithsonian twist!

An event timeline will be announced in advance; a single Zoom link is provided, and you can come and go as you please. Register here.