“It is splendid to have people who refuse to recognise difficulties,” British Capt. Robert Falcon Scott wrote early in the expedition to the South Pole. But they would after they set out from the pole.

The Doomed South Pole Voyage's Remaining Photographs

A 1912 photograph proves explorer Captain Robert Scott reached the South Pole—but wasn't the first

Frances Benjamin Johnston could be both ladylike and bohemian, which abetted her career as a photographer.

Victorian Womanhood, in All Its Guises

Frances Benjamin Johnston's self-portraits show a woman was never content playing just one role

Sherman has said she "didn't want to compete with the landscape," but she cleared space for a new Western woman.

Cindy Sherman: Monument Valley Girl

The artist's self portrait plays with our notions of an archetypal West

Oversize expectations: The Great Eastern vessel was supposed to cap the career of its ill-fated designer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel (before the huge ship’s launching chains).

Big News

In matters of sheer magnitude, Robert Howlett got the picture


Man of Action

An eccentric photographer and a racehorse made history one day in 1878. The world would never look the same

Lord Tennyson

Eminent Victorians

Julia Margaret Cameron's evocative photographs of Lord Tennyson and other 19th-century British notables pioneered the art of portraiture

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