
Remember These Titans of Science Who Died in 2012

From the inventor of the barcode to the discoverer of how cancer spreads, we take a look at the brilliant minds who shaped our culture and modern way of life


Space Exploration and the End of an Era: Notable Deaths in 2012

Neil Armstrong, Sally Ride, Roger Boisjoly and the shuttle program form this year's late greats of space exploration


Using Only a Camera, Trace the Solar Analemma and Plot the Solstice

When viewed at the same time every day for a year, the Sun traces a pattern in the sky that can help you find out when a solstice occurs

12/12/12 and the Myriad of Number Patterns in Dates

Seen from a mathematical perspective, today's date--12/12/12--is more than a coveted wedding anniversary

With $79 million on the line, NASA hopes a crash landing detected by a companion spacecraft will yield valuable data about lunar ice.

Lunar Smackdown

A spacecraft bites the lunar dust.

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