What’s Up

Alexander Calder Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Sculptor Alexander Calder is perhaps best known as the inventor of the mobile. View Portrait of the Arist as a Young Man and more at the Portrait Gallery. NPG, SI

Bent Into Shape
Sculptor Alexander Calder—perhaps best known as the inventor of the mobile—used bent wire and metal to create portraits of such luminaries as Babe Ruth, Charles Lindbergh and himself. See his creations at the Portrait Gallery until August 14.

Lens Crafters
At American Art through July 24, photographers turn their cameras on their own families in the revealing exhibit “Close to Home.”

The Tao of Tea
There is a tea for every mood and a Japanese tea bowl for every season. In winter, a deep bowl keeps the brew hot; while in summer, a shallow bowl is cooler to the touch. See more seasonal ceramics through August 7 at the Freer Gallery.

Not Your Garden-Variety Book
Horticulture and history come together in Carole Ottesen's A Guide to Smithsonian Gardens, which is being released this month by Smithsonian Books. Take a stroll along the National Mall as you explore these “living museums,” showcasing a variety of designs and distinctive flora.

Cave Art
Travel back in time 1,500 years at the Sackler Gallery, where sculptures and 3-D imagery combine to recreate the Buddhist cave temples of Xiangtangshan. “Echoes of the Past” is open through July 31.

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