Trending Today

Traffic in Paris

You Can Ride the Paris Metro for Free Right Now

But if you have a car with an even-numbered license plate, you're not allowed to drive

The supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* is at the center of the Milky Way.

We’re About to Watch As a Supermassive Black Hole Tries to Gobble a Gas Cloud

A huge cloud of dust is on a collision course with the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way

Crimean coastline

Here's Your Visual Guide to the Conflict in Crimea

An interactive map that shows the current hotspots and points of interest in the political crisis

How to Find a Four-Leaf Clover

With a few scientific tips, you can maximize your odds of securing a lucky charm this St. Patrick's Day


Most of the Vegetables You Eat in Winter Pass Through This One Town

This border town processes between 60 and 70 percent of all winter produce shipped to the United States

Fire crews respond to the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

New Deal Lets BP Back Into the Gulf

A deal lets BP bid on new leases in the Gulf, and resume selling oil to the U.S. government

When Searching for Crashed Planes at Sea, Binoculars Are the Most Useful Tool

Technologies often fail to produce results, so when it comes to searching for planes lost at sea, the old-fashioned way works best

Colorado River

Google River View Comes to the Colorado River

Google's street view is now available for off-road destinations

Tsunami walls in Japan were overrun by the 2011 tsunami

Japanese Towns Are Choosing Between Walls to Protect Against Tsunamis And Access to the Sea

Areas along the Japanese coast are building seawalls to prepare for the next big one


Could Giant Walls Prevent Tornadoes?

The idea is to build three walls, 1,000 feet high and 150 feet wide, running east to west across the country's middle

Part of the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall of China.

Officials Are Giving the Great Wall of China a “Graffiti Zone”

<a href="">Kilroy was here</a>

A mural of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Hundreds of Thousands of Syrians Are Starving As the Civil War Continues

Sieges and blocked supplies are hurting Syria's civilian population

Congress Designates the First Wilderness Area in Five Years

32,500 acres of lakeshore along Lake Michigan have been designated as wilderness by Congress

How Taboos Around Menstruation Are Hurting Women's Health

Poor menstrual hygiene and social stigmas can hurt women's health, and the economy


Singapore Is the World’s Most Expensive City

Tokyo has been dethroned

Europa as seen by NASA's Galileo spacecraft.

NASA Wants to Take a Closer Look at the Water on Jupiter’s Moon

Part of NASA's tentative 2015 budget includes planning for a mission to Europa

Okay but this is still pretty bad.

Everybody Chill Out, Eating Meat Isn’t Going to Kill You

A new study suggesting that a meat-rich diet is just as bad as smoking has some problems

Outside the Americas, Knives Are Often the Weapon of Choice in Homicides

More than 130 people in Kunming, China, were injured when about ten men and women wielding knives began stabbing others at random

London Paralympic winners.

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine May Be Derailing the Paralympics

As the rest of the world considers what to do about Russia’s military actions, the Paralympians find themselves in limbo

 Anne Frank at Merwedeplein in Amsterdam

After Tokyo Libraries' Anne Frank Books Were Defaced, Israel Offered to Replace Them

At least 300 books about the young Jewish girl who was killed in the Holocaust, including her famous diary, were vandalized in Tokyo libraries.

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