

The N.H.L. Officially Welcomes Gay Players With Most Inclusive Measures of Any Professional Sport

If you had to guess which sport had the most inclusive measures for LGBT people, you might be wrong. It's the National Hockey League


The Scientific Reason LeBron James Isn’t As Important As You Think

The most important players on the team may also be the least flashy

A young boy lands a kickflip at an intertribal skate jam in Albuquerque.

Skateboard Culture and Other Seriously Amazing Smithsonian Exhibits Coming to a Museum Near You

Secretary G. Wayne Clough on the Institution's traveling exhibits


The Butt-Dialing Champion of the World Works for the New York Mets

The director of media relations for the Mets calls people by accident sometimes several times a day - from current players, to team executives to coaches

La Salle fans during March Madness.

The Science of Being a Sports Fan

What does it mean to be “addicted” to your favorite team?

Can you see the ball? It’s there!

It Snowed So Hard During This Soccer Game That Costa Rica Wants a Rematch With the U.S.

It was snowing so hard that they had to use a bright yellow ball to even see what was going on


Physicists Use Ytterbium Ions to Make March Madness Picks

Even knowledgable fans aren't great at making predictions, so quantum physics may be the surest way to cash in on the madness


Should You Trust Nate Silver’s March Madness Bracket?

Everybody's favorite predictor of the future - Nate Silver - has his own analysis of the tournament over at the New York Times


Roller Derby Players Go Home With Bruises And a New Microbiome

Roller derby players come home with lots of bruises, scrapes and aches. But they also come home with an altered microbiome


This Little Computer Can Make You an Expert Paraglider

If one little mistake can send you plummeting to your death, how do you even begin to learn?


The Aughts: When People Wore Their Causes on Their Sleeves, Literally

It was a decade of Uggs and excess but also styles meant to further the greater good

Being a Soccer Fan Can Actually Kill You

During the 2006 World Cup watching a soccer game doubled the risk of a heart attack in German fans


The Stupid Reason the NHL Drafts Older Players First

Take note, coaches: stop listening to Malcolm Gladwell, and start listening to science

American Football Players Aren’t the Only Ones With Head Injury Issues

Soccer players who head the ball could be injuring their brains, as well


What Does Football Look Like for the Ball?

Researchers have developed an image stabilization program that can actually smooth out the footage and give you some great, ball's- eye-view shots


The Best Reasons to Go to Norway in February

It may get cold, but the trolls, bobsleds, skiing, Scandinavian delicacies and (heated) art museums make it all worthwhile


The World’s Greatest Angling Authors Went by Names Like ‘Badger Hackle’ and ‘Old Log’

If you're an angler and an author, there's a good chance you're using a pen name


Why Football Players Get Away With Everything, Even Doping

The people of the world have spoken: they don't like cheaters, and they don't like doping. Unless you're a football player - in which case no one seems to care


Your Playlist Really Does Impact Your Workout

A slow jam won't get you through that third mile, and smooth jazz isn't going to kick that kickboxing workout up a notch. It's not just personal preference either - it's science

Footballer in the making? This young Ecuadorian seems drawn to the oblong shape and peculiar design of a football on a soccer field in the city of  Cuenca.

A Football Team With No One to Play Against

Listen closely around the public parks of Quito, Ecuador, and you just might hear that familiar sound: "Hut hut hike!"

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