
Oil portrait of Barack Obama by Kadir Nelson

A Portrait of Obama in the Final Days of His Presidency

Commissioned for <em>Smithsonian</em> magazine, this painting shows a leader at a crossroads

A jar of the world's pinkest pink paint pigment.

This Artist Is the Only Person Banned From Using the World’s Pinkest Pink

It's a brightly colored revenge for restricting the world’s blackest black

Sonny Assu Uses Graffiti to Reassert Native Culture

The 41-year-old artist mashes decades-old depictions of indigenous peoples with modern-day style

"Wedding Dance in the Open Air"
Pieter Brueghel the Younger
1607-1614, oil on oak panel.

A Brueghel Painting Long Thought to Be Made by a Copyist Is Going on Display

Vindication for Pieter Brueghel the Younger

Kiki Smith, 2000
Aquatint, drypoint, and burnishing etching on paper.

Smith placed the corpse of her cat on the plate and traced the outline to produce the image of the etching before burying him to create the etching.

A Massive Collection of Cat Art Is up for Auction

The results of an art teacher’s passion project are for sale

The newly restored "St. John the Baptist," by Leonardo da Vinci.

The Louvre Has Restored "St. John the Baptist"

To clean, or not to clean?

The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh's Inverleith House

Four Stunning Exhibitions From Scotland’s Recently Closed Inverleith House

After 30 years, funding cuts caused one of Edinburgh’s most popular public art galleries to shut its doors

"Bird," 1990, David Hammons, painted metal, wire, basketball and feathers.

This $1.4 Million "Bird" Makes an African-American Art Collection Soar to New Heights

With his first major contemporary acquisition, the Detroit Institute of Arts' new director is reinvigorating the museum

"The Kiss"
Gustav Klimt,

Reach Out And Touch This Version of Klimt’s “Kiss”

A 3-D printed version of the classic painting lets blind people appreciate the artwork

$25.5 Million Raphael Painting Discovered in Scottish Manor House

An art historian working for a BBC television show recognized a painting in a dark corner as the work of the Renaissance master

Chalk portrait of Caravaggio
Ottavio Leoni, circa 1621

Happy 445th Birthday, Caravaggio

The artist’s gory paintings have captivated art lovers for centuries

Rare Painting by a Victorian-Era Artist Found on “Antiques Roadshow”

You never know what might be lying around the attic

Dissident artist Pyotr Pavlensky appears at Moscow's Tagansky District Court on suspicion of vandalism.

Russian Burger King Campaign Isn't the First to Mix Art and Advertising

There’s a lot of back-and-forth between these worlds

A Hindu temple painted yellow.

This Group Celebrates Kenya’s Religious Diversity by Painting Religious Centers Yellow

Painting for pluralism

Magritte apparently recycled a lost painting to create The Human Condition.

Curators Are One Piece Closer to Solving the Mystery of Magritte’s Missing Painting

<i>The Enchanted Pose</i> is coming back from the dead—one painted-over quarter at a time

"World Trade Center as a Cloud"
Christopher Saucedo

Inside the 9/11 Museum’s First Art Show

The exhibit marks the 15th anniversary of the attacks

The Chandos portrait is the only-known painting of Shakespeare made during his lifetime.

Cleaning This Portrait Could Change the Way Historians See Shakespeare

The only portrait of the Bard made while he was alive might be getting touch-ups

Eunuchs apply make-up before Raksha Bandhan festival celebrations in a red light area in Mumbai, India, August 17, 2016

New Project Pairs Modern News Photos with Old Masters

"Recognition," winner of Tate's IK Prize, uses machine learning to match artwork with images coming from the 24/7 news cycle

That's not an art forger—it's a copyist.

What's With the People With Easels in Art Museums?

Inside the longest-running program at the MET

Jackson Pollock
Blue poles, 1952
Enamel and aluminium paint with glass on canvas, 212.1 x 488.9 cm
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Why London's New Abstract Expressionism Show Is a Big Deal

It's a survey of luminaries from Pollock to De Kooning

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