Outer Space

Charles "Pete" Conrad Jr. stands with the U.S. flag on the lunar surface during the Apollo 12 mission.

The Moon Smells Like Gunpowder

The smell of the Moon is not just the smell of space

A false-color image of the "Orion" dust particle

NASA Has Very Likely Captured the First Space Dust From Beyond Our Solar System

A handful of rocky particles could tell us about the birth of our Sun and its planets

Screenshot of fire burning in space.

Zero-G Fire Pulses Like a Jellyfish on the Space Station

Balls of fire burning in low gravity could help scientists create cleaner, more efficient engine fuels

Getting Ready for Rosetta to Unlock a Comet’s Secrets

The lander will hopefully reveal new truths about what the icy objects actually are

Help NASA Out by Looking at Beautiful Pictures of Space

NASA wants your help identifying astronauts' photos of the earth

Imagine Living on Mars In One of These Structures

You could call an acropolis, pyramid or beehive home

The full moon is seen near Earth's horizon from the International Space Station.

Earth Is Making the Moon All Warm and Soft on the Inside

A new model boosts the notion that a layer of rock near the moon’s core is squishy and perhaps partially melted

A Perseid streaks across the sky over the archaeological site Stobi in modern-day Macedonia

The Perseids Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight

Watch the remains of comet Swift-Tuttle burn up in the atmosphere

A close up of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko taken from just 80 miles up.

Rosetta Satellite Is the First to Ever Orbit a Comet

It's been a long trip, but Rosetta has finally reached its destination


Here's How Astronomers Actually Find Planets in Other Solar Systems

Astronomers have found 1,741 exoplanets. But how, exactly?

These Sexy Geckos are Lost in Space

These lizards have been accidentally left to fornicate all alone among the stars

Early Life May Have Thrived in the Wreckage of a Meteorite

Porous rock created by high impact meteorite strikes make a surprisingly pleasant home for microbes

Without Oceans, Earth-Like Life Probably Can’t Evolve on Other Planets

It's not all about the planet's distance from its star, as researchers previously thought

Shiki 1, a Japanese White Pine Bonsai suspended from a weather ballon as it ascends to the edge of space for artist Azuma Makoto's project Exobiotanica

Artist Sends a Bouquet and a Bonsai to Space

What happens when you send a Bonsai tree to space? See for yourself

The comet Cheryumov-Gerasimenko seems to be shaped like a rubber duckie

The ESA is on a Mission to Harpoon a Duck-Shaped Comet

As if catching a comet wasn't already hard enough

In Microgravity, Some Snakes Tie Themselves in Knots, Others Attack Themselves

Some animals just don't know how to deal when gravity goes away

An amateur photograph of galaxy NGC 5907 by Flickr user korborh. On its own it doesn't look like much, but combined with hundreds more it can reveal new secrets about the universe.

Astronomers Are Doing Real Science With Space Photos They Found on Flickr

Want to help research? Grab a camera and point it to the heavens

The North Pole Could Soon Drift Over to Siberia

Earth's magnetic field seems to be weakening and potentially migrating

Surely this exoplanet deserves a better name than CoRoT-7b.

Ok, Now There's an Actual, Official Contest to Name New Exoplanets

The International Astronomical Union is throwing their own exoplanet naming contest

The Pixar version of ISEE-3 would have more dramatic eyes.

It's a Sad Day for ISEE-3, As the Bid to Save the Long-Lost Satellite Fails

We can't help but feel bad for the little lonely satellite

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